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Dogging how safe are you ??

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16 replies
2 watchers
Warming the Bed
We went dogging for the first time on sunday night, arranged to meet a guy and had great fun, the location was greater M/c area, was very nervous and on the look out for police etc, the thought of people watching us from the nearby bushes was a turn on but also a bit nerve jingling, the problem is we want to do this again but the location was very busy with boy racers, and also we were followed from the area by a male in his car, we had a struggle shaking him off which to some extent spoilt our night and has left us feeling as to should we do this must be some locations in the manchester area that is not openly advertised and is reasonably safe, your comments and advise would be appreciated and kept confidential.
Warming the Bed
Glad to hear you had fun.
I know of a site that is somewhat more secluded and you can control who you want there.
I know this may mean you miss out on the unknown watcher in the bushes, but you can't have everything.
Drop me a line and I'll let you have the location - don't want it public on here or it will defeat the object!
Suffice to say its in north manchester and only about 10 mins from the M60 near Bury.
Mods Edit: No email addresses anywhere on the site please.
sent a PM but hey trust me not all doggers do this type of thing. in fact most will actively look out for you, in many ways.
Warming the Bed
thanks for the advice we have been given, we are still keen
I have had a couple of dodgy moments but....
I feel safer dogging than I do walking round Cambridge late at night :shock:
Harry Jones
Hi Gaz..Being followed out of a carpark by a dogger with bulging eyes n ballsack ain't that uncommon..At some point, it'll happen to most couples, and we ourselves have lost count of the times it's happened to us..
Much of it is innocent in intent..Many venues have alternative playgrounds close by, where couples relocate for private encounters with recruited doggers..Unfortunately, many guys get a little carried away, and their assumptions fuelled by over active imaginations charged by desperation force them off the starting blocks rather too quickly..their proximity can look intimidating, but many peel away on you reaching the outer perimeter of the perving zone lol
Boy racers are often vocal, but not neccessarily hostile..In our personal experience however, they are becoming more of an issue..We've always had encounters with them, mostly banter..Sometimes they'll fire pyrotechics at you, which livens things up :lol: specially if you've got a rocket heading toward yer open window :shock: :lol: If they've hyped themselves up into a "doggers are paedophiles" type hysteria however, things can turn a little nastier..And as you'll be dealing with the kinda kids that think a female peacock is a peacunt, you'd be better making a tactical withdrawal wink
If you seek the thrill of dogging, played live and unplugged, then there are options open to you, and as you suggest, the unadvertised locations often make better playgrounds anyway..We played around with getting guys to tell US where THEY'D be on a given night, rather than succumb to the barrage of requests to avail them of our intended whereabouts :wink: We never made any promises, or got involved in ongoing chat..If we turned up at their location, it was a result..if not, for all we know, they might still be stood there :twisted:
Take a risk now and then , its fun .
Quote by dirtydoggers
If we turned up at their location, it was a result..if not, for all we know, they might still be stood there :twisted:

I kept meaning to tell you...the carpark is now a housing estate.....they built it around me, waiting here, so there are still two places (even though my wheels are axle deep now).
It is raining again....and I've lost a few stone might have told me....
Speaking of dodgy moments...
A few weeks ago we popped out for a kebab and on the way back decided to try out a dogging site of us had been dogging we pulled up and sat an ate our kebabs he had the great idea of driving further down to another part of the site(still having done nothing but eat our kebabs at this point) stopped by the police!!!
Embarassing doesnt come close to how i felt...especially as we hadnt actually done anything! lol
Getting stopped by the law is an occupational hazard...
Carparks are full of low-life scum now....council inspectors, traffic wardens and fast-car-slow-brain types.
I'm thinking of going for the AENOE award (All England Notice Of Encounter)
Ian & Hayley here. We are thinking of going dogging this saturday. If you are interested then just pm us and will let you have details.
Quote by JTS
If we turned up at their location, it was a result..if not, for all we know, they might still be stood there :twisted:

I kept meaning to tell you...the carpark is now a housing estate.....they built it around me, waiting here, so there are still two places (even though my wheels are axle deep now).
It is raining again....and I've lost a few stone might have told me....

lol :lol:
Sorry I only managed to listen to two thirds of the song :lol:
Harry Jones
Warming the Bed
hi there hope you have better luck next time mandy and myself have tried several times on a friday night but no joy as yet please send us a e-mither if you find a good site
mandy and steve
Warming the Bed
Thanks to all of you who replied we are hoping to find a suitable site in the near future, we keep you posted and maybe meet you there
Warming the Bed
still on the lookout for good sites around m/c area pm if you know of any.