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Dogging in Cardiff - help please.

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2 watchers
Hello there.
Im new to all this, and not exactly sure i know what the hell im talking about smile
But, id be interested to hear of anyone from cardiff that has had any experiance with dogging. Im interested in possibly viewing, but not taking part as the wife would go nuts if she ever found out.
I have searched and read all the relevant posts on the forum, and saw that the xxxxxx car park seems to be the place for it, and was just wondering what peoples experiances were.
Thanks for viewing.
Edited to take out an exact location rolleyes
I know you're new, but have you read the sticky about times and locations? Now you've posted an exact location you know there's going to be nutters and no end of other idiots turn up there. Well done.... dunno
Before you post any more can you PLEASE think before your fingers hit the keys on your keyboard?
Sorry about that, but didnt think that the location would be a big deal ,as i wasnt trying to arrange anything, and the location is freely on offer from the site?
Appologies for being the new village idiot.
Well, the rule usually applies to an exact time plus an exact location - that's just asking for trouble - but since the SC incident we're being extra careful. The dogging locations list is a general guide, but when a pretty specific post like yours is put on it encourages nutters to target that specific place. Just playing extra safe really, apology accepted, hope you get some success lol
Well, i consider myself well and truly
Am i allowed to ask about the "SC incident"?
Perhaps there is a post you can point me to?
ALL of the site about three weeks ago.... :cry: :cry:
Can you tell me what SC refers to, as no search results are coming up?
Sorry to be a nuisnace.
SC refers to Stan Collymore.... sent us all into over-drive once the papers got hold of his dogging story - far toooooooooooo many dick heads logged on - most have been banned from their PCs by their parents now, so it's a little quieter, but there's still press hanging arond for stories and a few more dirt bags than usual - it definately pays to be cautious still sad
Ahh right.
bloody footballers. If they cant shoot then score, they have to go dogging and reverse order by scoring 1st then shooting.
Well thanks for all the replies.
If anyone can help me out with details or experiances around Cardiff, please PM me. Id appreciate it very much.Thanks.