We are regular Dogger's and we are from the Essex Area .............. Whooo Before you all get excited in Essex. We are going on the Llangolen Canal in a Narrow Boat .................. we have never heard of anyone dogging via a Canal Boat and we thought we might be the first one's to do it.
As tha Canal boat is lower down in the water, then the view from the Canal must be a better advantage. As we invite other's to join in then the comfort might be a bit better than the back of a car. You can still have the thrill of doing it in the open and being watched.
We woulud be interested in our Idea between 14th May - 19th May then dowp us an email or a PM.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Mods edit. You have been here long enough to know NOT to post an unverified email address.
We are a genuine couple, Thursday the 19th would be a great night for us as this is niot only the wife's Birthday, but also our 26th Wedding anniversary.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Regards Juneric