Hi Salnkeith The most well known site at Maidstone which has always been our favourite stomping ground for three years is a gay pick up point and used to be a fantastic dogging site. Unfortunately it has been ruined since May 2003 by the local media. This has been further compounded by the 1/2 hourly police visits, the tourists who drive in and out all night and the huge influx of "garfield" impersonaters who stick themselves to the window as soon as we put the brakes on. We have been into this wonderful hobby long enough to be able to entertain up to 10 guys but it is a problem when crowd control is more of an issue than enjoying yourself. So if you want a site that needs coach parking use Maidstone. However if you want a location that is much quieter but more relaxed then send us a pm and we will let you have details. PLEASE NOTE we will not give details to ANYONE who we think is not 110% genuine because we dont want this one ruined. Anyone who knows us will know the location. Mourning the days when dogging was an exciting pastime populated by Gentlemen with respect and understanding and not a free for all scrum in between police visits :( Jackie and Ben