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Dogging in Leigh

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0 watchers
The girlfriend and I went to a certain countrypark near Leigh, last Wednesday night.
We pulled up and parked looking at the water, just discussing what to do.
We parked in our van, and immediately, cars pulled up either side, without lights, and immediately made my partner uneasy.
We moved the van to another location, giving no signals of encouragement.
Parking away from everyone, while we discussed further, and getting in the mood, we noticed the cars had all followed with the lights off and their occupants were stood outside there cars, almost in menacing positions.
This was supposed to be a pleasant evening, and maybe alot more fun, if left at our own pace.
I thought there was an unwritten code of practice, and the main one was not to menace couples.
We were left feeling uneasy, and decided to leave for our own safety.
And people wonder why they never get a meet.
Well have made my point of view, so Doggers, please be more considerate, and give people chance to get comfortable, and wait for invites before meancing people.
You wouldnt menace people in normal life, so why in a vulnerable location and position.
Paul and Friend.
I was on the car park that you are talking about and did see the situation unfold. I was on a push bike watching, regulars to the dogging site know who I am.
You were in a blue bedford type van, you parked on the water side with your friend. However, when you parked and later moved you did give a signal on both occasions; you flashed your brake lights after you had stopped and your courtesy light after a moment.
I go to the same place with my gf and I am the first to complain when the doggers get too close, too soon. It is not dogging etiquette to pounce on unsuspecting couples but i am afraid a clear and positive signal was given, this is were the misunderstanding is but needless to say i did not approach as i felt too many we gathering around with out knowing what you were looking for. This can be quite daunting and i agree that too many approached you, couples often only want a single guy to watch and on this occasion the doggers were to keen.
We used to go to the same place. Its getting ruined by boy racers.
We go elsewhere nowadays.
we used to go here as well up until around 12 months ago when we stopped due to the above mentioned antics by the single guys and also over zealous behaviour by the local plod who seemed to ignore what the boy recers were up to and just went balls out to intimidate any doggers or couples they could, :cry: so in the end we just decided to find a new location cool
hi me and my better have never tryed this area and are not going to now, we do know a realy good area and we are sticking to it, hope one fine night we do have a watcher, hope you all have fun and be safe xxxx d & a wink :wink:
i still use the place smile, had some really good nights there and wont stop going there neither :)
thanks jo
Dont get us wrong people, the boy racers are a pain and some of the single guys are overzealous but we have a good times there. We still go as a couple and most of the single guys are ok, its just a few that dont know or understand the rules. We have played there plenty of times and will still be going for the forseeable future.
Dee and Paul
and thank you
for all your responses, emails, etc, and to all the people who have read the notice.
Judging by the comments I have received, there seems to be alot of confusion, and uncertainty from different parties.
In the night in question, we did not give off any intentional signals. We moved the van quietly to another location.
On modern vehicles, the interior light, comes on and off automatically, when the ignition turned on and off, this may have happenned when we moved and given the wrong impression.
The road/brake lights were certainly not flashed except when applying brakes to stop and apply handbrake.
What I was trying to get over, was the vulnerability, we felt when being crowded, in an isoslated place.
Hopefully next time, there will be no problems.
Perhaps, we can arrange a meet and someone can discuss and show us the correct procedure.
Or perhaps we could turn the tables and ask to watch the watchers, playing with themselves, and see how if they enjoyed it as much.
Thanks again for reading, all the best to everyone.
Paul and friend
ps if you want to reply, please do, either on here or privately.
makes a refreshing change, some healthy discussion
I take the bulb out of the interior light!!!! I can't switch the one in question off, but do have another light in the middle that i can switch on and off!!!
Nwbig fella, i have sent you a pm
give us s shout next time your go pls smile
thanks jo xxx
i have been here many times and have observed the antics myself, i have only had success once here but i am very patient and tend to stay in oneplace, that is untill the boy racers arrive and pc plod in his volvo acuses me of being a car thief because i am young and drive a brand new car...... i understand your upset bigfella but we all just need to look out for each other and show some respect.
be safe all, thanks x
I must say i can fully sympathise with NW Big because I would understand dogging etiquette to at least give people a few moments. I mean, it is obvious as SOON as you drive off to another part of a car park and maybe have the light on briefly to adjust yourselves and get comfy that you AREN'T giving a signal.
I tend to wait in those situations to see what it was they were doing ewither way (ie. giving a signal or getting comfy). If nobody goes over then the couple in question will be sure to give another signal if they haven't been joined.
This car park hasn't been the same for nearly a year- the arrival of the gypsies, bringing with them the heightened police presence didn't help and the boy racer brigade I guess will always be present.
Generally I am of the opinion that it is a lot harder to discover 'chance' dogging in known dogging spots because couples now go somewhere else. So I find myself on here approaching genuine doggers in the hope something can be pre-arranged. Many doggers prefere the spontaneity of being discovered by chance though.
Another interesting point is raised earlier in the strand - that one couple feel so disillusioned about trying the Leigh site that they go to their own 'unspoilt' spot. The paradox being if it is unknown how can they realistically go and expect to find an 'etiquette aware' dogger?! Maybe they should carefully selecet someone to join them at their spot but to play by their rules - perhaps to make it look like they have been stumbled upon by chance and to promise not to give away the location of the spot!!
An interesting discussion anyway.......please don't give up yet NWbig, I am sure some more positive experiences are out there waiting to happen
i go to this place quite often and fully understand your ,if you leave it until after midnight the local boy racers have moved on and it is a lot less daunting.i have had many an enjoyable evening there with or without my information required please feel free to pm me.( guy on the bike is a really genuine blokeso dont feel put off by the fact he is not in a car.)
bigfella uses some emotive terminology, but when you look at it, was it really so bad? the big man relocated, and some guys followed, and stood outside their vehicles..bigfella tells us they were almost menacing, and he and his partner left for their own safety :shock: lol c'mon bigboy, the guys thought it was game went somewhere more cosy in which to party, and they got out so as to be seen, thats all..they only appeared menacing in their stance due to the erections they had thrust down their trouser should see the gait i adopt when i've a rascal of the lee coopers threatning to break loose..even our mate harry can look kinda crazy with the starched left leg syndrome :shock: i've seen him trying to persue a couple across the carpark, only to end up piviting on his helmet and doing a full circle..its why the lad wears cycle clips, all that gravel can play havoc with an unsheafed bell end.
tell you whats happened..the night didn't go as you'd planned in your probably read the etiquette stuff too :lol: then the emotions you felt were a tad alien, and in the confusion, you sought to aportion blame onto what was an obvious catalyst, ie, the dogging fellas..whereas, in reality, the cause was your inexperience..we'd have no problem with their gameplay really, and its something we usually encounter of an evening's perversion. sometimes we get out and take a few pictures, get the fellas involved..they are often delighted by that, and when they understand that your lass ain't gonna suck em all orf, they'll usually leave you to it..well, i doubt you'll be up for that just yet, but maybe tell them you are looking for couples only? hmm, maybe not, theboys will probably put the word out :lol:
i'm not having a dig, no way..what you felt in that situation was entirely normal..most couples would have, and do, feel exactly the same in those is a psychological fact..being surrounded by men, in a dark location, their attentions fixated upon your partners jack n danny, in all other circumstances..ain't good..the ole subconcious is gonna tell you "get out of there" the newbies, at any big site on a busy night :lol: always the same, unless the driver is a bit inclined to dish out the occassional slap :lol: you will get used to i said, it is a normal reaction, not one we usually have in our sedate western lives very often, hence the alien feeling when the ole dragon surfaces :lol: because its alien, its confusing, and cause its confusing, you want an answer..when you look at a fella outside your wife's window with his knob in his palm, grinning'll assume you've found it :lol:
thing is, the fellas, in allowing those feelings to manifest quite as explosively as they did, aren't dogging as considerately as they might..they tend to forget that all couples ain't up for it and experienced..thats their fault..but the busier carparks evolve like that..some of our more confident ladies such as gingerjo will continue to use the place, you guys might not..upshot being, the less easilly intimidated couples thrive, and the fellas dogg accordingly..our place is just the same..only sometimes the boys try to get in the car :lol: you'd have loved that fucker bigman :lol: at the dogging hotspots, sexual involvement with the doggers is normally common..the fellas get a little assumptious about that sometimes, and those carparks attract fellas that are ONLY out for tend to be more in ya face, because getting onto a couple first is everything..if you are going to survive in this game bigfella, you'll have to expose yourself to all those things and embrace might not like all the things you encounter along the way, thats fine..but if you only seek little pockets of dogging that you deem acceptable, then you'll be in for a rough ride..the little carparks are less intense, but you'll be in for a long wait :lol: the proper doggers WILL find you, and it'll usually be an old school type encounter. wink
I have also been there.
As a single str8 guy looking for fem/cpl fun I have to say that sometimes I have seen this happening.
It can be 'hard' for guys as we have to rely upon signals which we can get wrong.
However my approach is to wait until a clear indication is given, although sometimes I may lose out from being over considerate.
I would rather be like this than be pushy and appear a little aggresive.
I have a great location in Warrington, Cheshire that I cannot belaive is not used yet.
No boy racers and never seen police there yet.
Occasionally a cpl will be there but the place is well underused.
Anyone interested should PM me.
Menaced ...or too sensitive for sexual activity with a thrill based on the unknown ?
Discuss cool
Good Morning
Thank you for all your comments and emails.
Certainly provoked some heathly discussion.
What to do BT say " Its good to talk "
I believe, we have learnt something about each other, and we have got our own views.
Thanks again.
Paul and Friend.
Ps you all know me now and my van lol
If I go to feed the ducks anyday with my daughter or another friend, please keep this subject closed,
any other time, we will try to be a little more positive or negative as already discussed.
Dont worry Bigfella, "what goes on tour, stays on tour" as the saying goes. As a rule fellow doggers are not approached when seen out side of the dogging arena especially when you are with your family, unless you name is Stan Collymore of course.
Dee and Paul
thanks for all the offers and advice
and we take all your points into consideration
especially with the inside light
and when we interested will flash properley the inside light i mean
thanks again certainly stimulated some views and comments