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DOGGING IS GETTING SILLY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi i am a single male. i have bin dogging for a year and a half now and went out last night in notts area. all four places i went to had boyracers. kids on bikes aswell as one places had around 30 single men in it. it looked like a gay sit then a couple came in the lads did not give them time to relax they was over there like a shot. so i went to another site. only to find 7 boyracers playing football waiting. i then went on the next site this was a bit better so i stopped a couple came in got in to it so went over to watch as i did 5 lads abount 17 to 20 in age started banging on the window of there car, shoting I WILL FUCKER HER FOR YOU MATE. at this point i had a word with them accidently hitting one of them. if he is on here SORRY! about that but being a body guard and a doorman and ex-army and then you and your mates calling me gay did not help :twisted: . so looking at what went on in all three sites last night i will be stopping going now and just look for fun and meets with people and couples in quiet locations that i know or they know. sad
banghead :banghead: :banghead:
Jason(lostboy) :cry: xxxxxxxx
I would say that it is probably your area, i know the idea of driving out of town to another site may not appear all too appealing but if your after a good dogging experience is it not worth a lengthy drive? I have a friend who introduced to this site and scene, she had a few good meets with some great guys on here and pretty much took me to all but one of the dogging sites around my area as it were, how did she say, "a place where chavs go to rev their engines and whack off" and we had a blast. Who knows lady luck my have just been on my side, but its worth a shot driving out somewhere else if your eiger enough.
i know how you feel. all local sites to me have been spoilt by idiots
boy racers and blokes who wont wait to be asked .
i only try to arrange meets via here now, it saves a lot of wasted time.
I can understand your frustration Lostboy, but any public areas are just that, public, so unfortunately the football boys, non doggers and gay men have equal rights to use the space....unless you can convince them to sign a timeshare agreement wink
Quote by lostboy
i had a word with them accidently hitting one of them.

Hummmm, yeah... that sometimes happens.... I find that my foot accidentally connects with people's faces occassioanlly too - it's all completely involuntary, I should probably seek medical advice for this condition :shock: wink :wink: :wink:
There's lots of sites being spolied by dickheads.... but as Serendipity says public spaces are exactly that, so if boy racers want to go and spend their lives in car parks it is entirely up to them (why anyone would want to go and hang around car parks at all is beyond me :wink: :wink: ). Gay cruisers are no problem, they don't want any hassle either. It's the rude and impatient doggers that piss me off the most, they are the ones who are most at risk of my medical condition :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mind you, if the BRs are all in the car parks, it does mean there will be a short queue at the McD drive thru lol
and the KFC
sorry if this sounds a bit whingey,but I am male and a genuine racer(motorcycle drag racer),and have noticed when I turn up at car parks etc on my bike,a lot of people tend to leave quite hastily,,I have no intentions of causing trouble,I'm as human as the rest of you(allegedly)and am just seeking a good time however it manifests itself,I've spent a great deal of time and money on my bike having built it up from nothing but a secondhand engine,and until I find something that puts a bigger smile on my face it will remain the most important thing in my life,so if you see me on my purple and black tiger-striped turbo beastie,don't leg it,give me a wave or say hello,as I have as much distaste for todays ghetto clones as the rest of you,,in short,pleeaaase don't judge the book by it's cover,,looking forwards to meeting folks that aren't freaked out by me a the mcr munch and with a bit of luck people will get to know me before they judge me biggrin
hi all, its true good sites are being spoilt by dickheads, i lost a real nice couple becouse of mob handed men, who think they have the right to do what they like when out dogging, is they no manners ant more, i like tlf only meet with people where its not busy and full of idiots. mad
Quote by Serendipity
I can understand your frustration Lostboy, but any public areas are just that, public, so unfortunately the football boys, non doggers and gay men have equal rights to use the space....unless you can convince them to sign a timeshare agreement wink

Yes i understand that but football was in a wood not on a big field. the gays do not bother me i have m8s that are gay. Its the fact that young lads are now going to dogging sites 5 in a car expecting a girl or couple or gay. to just shag them on the spot. and thay dont understand the rules if they dont want to let you join in then respect that. These lads was trying to get in to the car.
jason(lostboy) :wink: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Z3D has a good point, people do judge you on what you drive. I had a mini cooper, and being quite young (25) Everyone thought I was a boy racer......Despite being on my own, parking up, turning my engine off and not hasseling anyone!!!
I went out in a fiat uno the other week, bit of a shed, loads of one wanted to know!!!! :cry: I roll up in a 40 year old vintage car worth 10 grand++++ suddenly I'm everyones favourite dogger!!!! Its a shallow hobby unfortunatley.
But I love it!!!! :twisted:
unfortuanatley a cple of areas were we go have suffered the same fate boy racers acting stupid and causing a scene thus attracting the attention of the local constabulary thus then attracting them to what other things are happening there hence we get hastles we have seen a asbo van pull in at one dogging place in west yorks 2 weeks ago on sun evening and over the weekend they were in another in south yorks ( erly on mind arround 8 30 pm ) we were on one ocasion followed quite a way home( by jeering boy racer) until we stoped by the roadside were agian i simpathise with u blue my leg also had the involantry action of stricking out on its own accord i must see someone about that someday but dont disharten ther is other places look and ull find
Hi there lostboy
The same thing happened a few weeks ago to me at the same location i think your on about, there was a young couple puting on a show when all these boy/girl racers cane in banging on the car saying the same thing ill fuck her for you mate then they started shinning torches on them well as you can imagine this pissed the showing couple off and they promtly drove out , they eventually came into another of the car parks and withing ten minuites so did the boy/girl racers and the same thing happened.
At that point id had enough and went over to have a quite word in there shell like bad move on my part it ended with my car getting trashed and a very good friend of mine with a crook lock wrapped around his head.
But what really annoyed me was the fact that there must have been 10 to 15 genuine well mannered doggers like myself in that car park and not one of them came to back me up, if wed been all together in numbers these idiot children would have backed down and more than likely wouldnt be up there now causing trouble and harrasing the genuine few couples that are left who want to show.
Hence now i wont go to my favourite dogging spo,t i now go as has been said ,further a field and to be fair i have found some great spots where the boy/girl racers havent found yet, mind you theres few couples that have either but im sure given time they will espeically if the Children are going to continue to use our dogging sites as there playgrounds.
If you stop to think....
They aren't your carparks, they're public places.
Even bo'racers are allowed in them, and at least they are not committing a criminal act by being there....whereas the performing of sex to an audience in a public place would seem to fall into a large number of the criminal law acts.
You need to get out of the mindset that YOU are right and THEY are not.
Even bo'racers can read, so you can bet your life that your car reg is being passed about by now..
We all have to put up with it.
And speaking as someone who has had a windscreen smashed, had bricks thrown at him and who got his head bashed against the road only last week, I think I know what I'm writing about.
This is about the ONLY website that doesn't allow explicit locations in the forms...everyone else does.
So, we have only ourselves to blame.
To us, what we do is ok. To practically everyone else, we're perverts.
AND, it's only going to get worse.
My "local" layby now has about 40-50 "regulars" and many more "irregular" visitors....last night I was talking to a couple when Mr Drunk stopped by for a shag....they must have been asphyxiated by his breath as he stuck his head through the window....and when they drove off, he followed them at a distance of about 3 feet.
Welcome to the real world. The bo'racers aren't the problem, they're a symptom. The problem is us.
Quote by jomu
Welcome to the real world. The bo'racers aren't the problem, they're a symptom. The problem is us.

Ok well i feel like i should not of helped the couple now and let them get there car smash up i understand that not all boyracers are a problem. But the ones that get seven in a car to go and give doggers shit for a kick. Then that is my problem. I hate people that go round towns at hi speeds and dont care about the speed limits and other road users. But i dont get a load of my mates and kick there cars. We know we are in the wrong but we can help each other and police it so people do not get hurt by the thugs.
Quote by lostboy
Yes i understand that but football was in a wood not on a big field. the gays do not bother me i have m8s that are gay. Its the fact that young lads are now going to dogging sites 5 in a car expecting a girl or couple or gay. to just shag them on the spot. and thay dont understand the rules if they dont want to let you join in then respect that. These lads was trying to get in to the car.
jason(lostboy) wink xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sadly, teenage boys in a bar/car park/supermarket would all behave the same, all those hormones racing around mean they can't tell the diff between someone who's not interested and a ham sandwich rolleyes biggrin
It looks like the best solution is keep looking for a quieter spot and let a few trustworthy guys/girl/couples know about it when you find one (hopefully!).
Why would you freak anyone out? Unless you've been painted in purple and black tiger stripes too? lol
I may not be stripey,but the sight of a 6 foot heavily built biker riding something that looks like it was swiped from the set of mad max does seem to instill a flight reaction in a lot of people,,I guess that with all the hollywood imagery that's been flung at bikers,some of it had to stick,,doesn't mean we're all bad people though,I'm a 3rd generation biker so I guess it's probably genetic,and I'm very proud to be just who I am smile
Quote by Serendipity

Sadly, teenage boys in a bar/car park/supermarket would all behave the same, all those hormones racing around mean they can't tell the diff between someone who's not interested and a ham sandwich rolleyes biggrin

Hurrrhum, i soo take offense to your using the word teenage there. Allright maybe not to much, but i want to just say. Okey so there are alot of teenagers out there who get their kicks by doping up on speed, walking around terrorising estates, scaring OAP's enough to give the a heart attack and of course hitting your dogging sites. Heck there are even some preadolescent children joining in (not the dogging bit i don't think) on all of that. But there are some exceptions to the rule yeah. Allthroughout puberty and my younger teenage years i wasnt compelled to go out doing any of those things, im sure there are at least a few other people who were like that too. Immature, unnorganised, youthes, any more you could think of to use?
it might not have happened like this, forgive me if its "tosh" lol
1969 somewhere in norfolk..
cynthia is 20 years old, of pleasant appearance, 5"4 with shoulder length auburn hair..her boyfriend timmy is slightly older at 25, a carpenter by trade, and the proud owner of an austin mini-van..
friday night, and its pay-day..things are going well, cigarette smoke hangs thickly in the air as another shilling dissapears into the one armed bandit ,"please release me" eminates from the of timmy's mates are bikers, and outside the "dog and partridge" are assembled an assortment of british iron..bsa, triumph and vellocette are much in evidence, but, for timmy, the practacalities of life dictate his present mode of transport..of course, he still wears his leather jacket..
"grab your cardie luv, time to hit the road"..its 10:30pm, but they are not going the direct route..cynthia is under strick orders."you be home by midnight my girl" were her mother's farewell gesture...
at the far side of the carpark, charlie is heading back to his morris traveller.."in you get boy" he says to his border collie as he throws his lead into the back..he is removing his jacket, when a strange sound draws his attention. "ben" lets out a bark.."shhhhh, cmon boy, out you get, lets go walkies"..
cynthia and timmy are too pre-occupied to notice the stranger..the windows are too misted up to see anything outside they looked up now, they might, just might spot the shadowy figure walking slowly by..
the forum member "triedandtested" recently aquainted us with the term "pimping" understanding of the word is that a "pimper" waited for oppertunistic moments such as i've described, to present themselves. these "events" however, would in all probability have been infrequent, although eagerly anticipated..
at some point, some couples, having become aware, and subsiquently aroused by the presence of their voyuer/s, would visit the same carpark, possibly at the same time the following week, in order to recapture the excitement..dogging, as a persuit, was being born..
how far its come :lol:
ooh, hang on, there is supposed to be a point to this isn't there?
ok, so, what does "dogging" mean? it seems to me, that the understanding of the word, to most people would be "getting a bj from, or shagging, another bloke's bird", on a friday or saturday night between 9:00 and 11:30 at a dogging "site". why is that the "understanding"?..simple, because all too often, thats the reality..thats not to say that doggers, police, couples and racers don't frequent locations at other times, obviously they do, but this "peak time" invasion of carparks is in some areas, reaching saturation point, and obviously draws attention.
couples would often prefer to visit quieter spots, but knowing from experience, that doggers seldom sit it out at such places, on the off-chance of a couple appearing sometime this century, have no option but to visit the dogging circus. some couples desire the ambience of a thriving location, but for many, due to the "expectation" levels in such places, its just too in their face...this is especially true of newbies..who, due to evolved "auto responders" and "refractory periods" percieve the whole thing as emotional overload.
from the perpective of a showcouple, i do feel, if required, there is a that doesn't rely on arranged meets and still allows an element of security..of course, i might be way wrong, and if so, it is important that you point out the pitfalls to us all..this is not my definitive answer, its open to discussion..there is no point in going on about the negatives of dogging if we are not prepared to look for sensible alternatives....
this option will not work for those couples that seek large audiences or groups..if, as people suggest, the internet is killing dogging, then maybe the answer lies in making the internet work for this point, i'll explain my use of the word "you" this time, we have no need to resort to this stratedgy ourselves..the "problems" that seem so rife across the country, seem, at this moment in time, to have escaped us..
"we are a late 30's couple, looking to "show" in essex on friday. pm us details of non dogging sites 30 mile radius of xxxxxx"
the idea is, that several guys send you details and directions of promising spots local to that area..having availed you of the location, its down to them to sit it out...they do not know how many pm's you recieved..theirs might have been the only one, or it could have been one of a doesn't matter..
on the night, or day, in question..the couple have only to pm their confirmation of being out that night..but not where..thats the mystery element..for the guys, its a gamble..they have no idea of the odds..only that there is a chance of a couple visiting their venue that night..for the couple, there is the knowledge that these ideal little niches will at least be occupied..there is the advantage of course, that given the venues status as a carpark, rather than a dogging site, it is unlikely to be frequented by racers or police..the dogger/s will not have the same level of assumption regarding the couples intentions as they would at a large and busy venue..after all, it isn't a dogging circus, they might not be the couple advertising..the couple won't have to feel aprehensive about calling the police, should things get heavy, after all, they weren't asking for it, its not a dogging do the couple know, that the guy waiting, is a dogger?..well, maybe a flash of the interior would identify his intention? as these little oasisis become opened up to nocturnal fun, it might draw some doggers away from the major league arenas and become self supporting...obviously, this is not an option everyone will wish to explore..its simply an alternative to arranged meets..the "pressure" of having to show, simply won't exist..
listen up..i'm not going to run away with the idea..there may be glaring pitfalls i've not might be total bollocks..but i feel its not constructive to continually comment on the demise of dogging, without at least formulating some alternatives..
Yes it's long tosh ha ha ha
Sorry mate I couldn't resist it. :twisted:
Harry Jones
Quote by Mikehboy19

Sadly, teenage boys in a bar/car park/supermarket would all behave the same, all those hormones racing around mean they can't tell the diff between someone who's not interested and a ham sandwich rolleyes biggrin

Hurrrhum, i soo take offense to your using the word teenage there................

Why Mike? What else would I call boys of 17, 18, 19 and 20? - ok technically the 20 year olds aren't in their teens but I'm in my 30s so that's what they are to me, boys! If it's un-PC to call them that then the world has gone madder than I thought! lol
If you behave well, that's great....but the conversation was about the guys Lostboy saw on his night time jaunt behaving in the way he described, not about the well behaved ones. In light of that, I'm not really sure why you're offended and quite puzzled....even you refer to yourself as a boy in your username, why is teenager worse?
Sorry if you're offended.... dunno
And on a separate matter.....
Quote by Z3D
the sight of a 6 foot heavily built biker riding something that looks like it was swiped from the set of mad max

Phwoar, nothing wrong with a big bloke in leather! redface