I would say that it is probably your area, i know the idea of driving out of town to another site may not appear all too appealing but if your after a good dogging experience is it not worth a lengthy drive? I have a friend who introduced to this site and scene, she had a few good meets with some great guys on here and pretty much took me to all but one of the dogging sites around my area as it were, how did she say, "a place where chavs go to rev their engines and whack off" and we had a blast. Who knows lady luck my have just been on my side, but its worth a shot driving out somewhere else if your eiger enough.
i know how you feel. all local sites to me have been spoilt by idiots
boy racers and blokes who wont wait to be asked .
i only try to arrange meets via here now, it saves a lot of wasted time.
Z3D has a good point, people do judge you on what you drive. I had a mini cooper, and being quite young (25) Everyone thought I was a boy racer......Despite being on my own, parking up, turning my engine off and not hasseling anyone!!!
I went out in a fiat uno the other week, bit of a shed, loads of cpls......no one wanted to know!!!! :cry: I roll up in a 40 year old vintage car worth 10 grand++++ suddenly I'm everyones favourite dogger!!!! Its a shallow hobby unfortunatley.
But I love it!!!! :twisted:
unfortuanatley a cple of areas were we go have suffered the same fate boy racers acting stupid and causing a scene thus attracting the attention of the local constabulary thus then attracting them to what other things are happening there hence we get hastles we have seen a asbo van pull in at one dogging place in west yorks 2 weeks ago on sun evening and over the weekend they were in another in south yorks ( erly on mind arround 8 30 pm ) we were on one ocasion followed quite a way home( by jeering boy racer) until we stoped by the roadside were agian i simpathise with u blue my leg also had the involantry action of stricking out on its own accord i must see someone about that someday but dont disharten ther is other places look and ull find
Hi there lostboy
The same thing happened a few weeks ago to me at the same location i think your on about, there was a young couple puting on a show when all these boy/girl racers cane in banging on the car saying the same thing ill fuck her for you mate then they started shinning torches on them well as you can imagine this pissed the showing couple off and they promtly drove out , they eventually came into another of the car parks and withing ten minuites so did the boy/girl racers and the same thing happened.
At that point id had enough and went over to have a quite word in there shell like bad move on my part it ended with my car getting trashed and a very good friend of mine with a crook lock wrapped around his head.
But what really annoyed me was the fact that there must have been 10 to 15 genuine well mannered doggers like myself in that car park and not one of them came to back me up, if wed been all together in numbers these idiot children would have backed down and more than likely wouldnt be up there now causing trouble and harrasing the genuine few couples that are left who want to show.
Hence now i wont go to my favourite dogging spo,t i now go as has been said ,further a field and to be fair i have found some great spots where the boy/girl racers havent found yet, mind you theres few couples that have either but im sure given time they will espeically if the Children are going to continue to use our dogging sites as there playgrounds.
If you stop to think....
They aren't your carparks, they're public places.
Even bo'racers are allowed in them, and at least they are not committing a criminal act by being there....whereas the performing of sex to an audience in a public place would seem to fall into a large number of the criminal law acts.
You need to get out of the mindset that YOU are right and THEY are not.
Even bo'racers can read, so you can bet your life that your car reg is being passed about by now..
We all have to put up with it.
And speaking as someone who has had a windscreen smashed, had bricks thrown at him and who got his head bashed against the road only last week, I think I know what I'm writing about.
This is about the ONLY website that doesn't allow explicit locations in the forms...everyone else does.
So, we have only ourselves to blame.
To us, what we do is ok. To practically everyone else, we're perverts.
AND, it's only going to get worse.
My "local" layby now has about 40-50 "regulars" and many more "irregular" visitors....last night I was talking to a couple when Mr Drunk stopped by for a shag....they must have been asphyxiated by his breath as he stuck his head through the window....and when they drove off, he followed them at a distance of about 3 feet.
Welcome to the real world. The bo'racers aren't the problem, they're a symptom. The problem is us.
Yes it's long tosh ha ha ha
Sorry mate I couldn't resist it. :twisted:
Harry Jones