Hi I am one of the many single males out here ... I am interested in watching a couple for my first time, I have seen many videos and experianced both straght and gay sex, but have never just watched a couple live before. I have read and fully understand all of your rules. Can enybody tell me if dogging exists around Northamptonshire, I have read the locations and visited at times, but never seen any action. Am I looking for a needle in an haystack ... ups, perhaps I should't have said it like that, you know what I meen. Dave
best of luck finding your needls mate
welcome to the list
Thanks mate, ill try not to trip over you!! Dave
I think it would be fair to say that looking for needles is a good description.
Some basic facts.
There aren't too many couples about that WANT to be watched.
Loads of newbies get really stressed about "gays" hanging about. That's life. Get used to it. Good sex-sites are hard to find, and the gays know them has some good locations, from a gay viewpoint.
You get out what you put in. Those that aren't prepared for the boredom of waiting should either buy a good book or take up clubbing (when you do pull at a club, remember all us waiting doggs...please...and pull in a car park)
Couples that start just wanting to be watched usually go on to better things, they either take up sex clubs or start a hectic sex life in laybys etc. So, define your activity if you meet up.
Remember the scouts motto ?
Right, I'm off to a pub....no, not to drink....I just know one with a dark car park and young clientele.