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Dogging or Outdoor Swinging?

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With all the interest which is being shown by the police at the moment, more and more couples and single doggers seem to be asking for arranged meets rather than taking the plunge and going out there on the chance of meeting someone. Everyday there is at least 10 new posts asking for meets. “Where’s all the dogging action taking place? PM me for meet.”
We do not normally do any pre-arranged meets and just leave it to chance that there will be someone about to watch but are we now in the minority? Are pre-arranged meets really dogging, or is it just ‘Outdoor’ Swinging?
Also, if you do pre-arranged meets, how do you start the action? With me being a bit on the shy side (honestly I am shy) I just hate having to make that first move and would prefer to start the action before the audience arrives!.
Would someone you had met, take it for granted they would be asked to join in? Just how would you cope with Satan’s willy? (not my description, but Dirty’s)
Come on guys and gals, advice, comments, thoughts wanted!
W'e're hardly the most experienced couple to answer this but...
We've only done it a couple of times and both times we've just turned up at a carpark on the off chance, if there's no-one there we'll still have sex anyway...if there is, they can watch and everyone has a good time.
I don't know whether we'll ever have a pre-arranged meet until we have a 'bad' experience !!
We've do both pre-arranged and casual dogging.
As far as pre-arranged meets go, these have mostly been with guys who want a piece of action, but may be a little shy about dogging as such.
However, because they are often a bit nervous/shy or whatever, it usally also means that only they will join us at that time, whereas with casual dogging, we've had multiple guys joining in all at the same time :twisted:
There's something to be said for either scenario, but certainly when we were new to the lifestyle, we tended to make more arrangements. At least that way, I was sure I would be happy with the guys and being nervous about it myself, found I could relax more with a *known* guy.
These days we hardly ever make arrangements and find that we are having more fun that ever. Sometimes the anticipation and *unknown* factor can add to the excitement wink
I don't like pre-arranged meets...even if only because that means that someone knows where I'm going to be, and when.
Quote by jomu
I don't like pre-arranged meets...even if only because that means that someone knows where I'm going to be, and when.

In a way it's similar to us and we still worry about seeing people we might know.
A pre-arranged meet is basically outdoor swinging, but if it is arranged at a busy location guys who've not been invited come over to watch anyway, so I guess it becomes more like a traditional dogging scene. If people arrange an outdoor meet with other couples or guys at a venue that is very unlikely to be overlooked by anyone else - such as on private ground or a very quiet woods (etc) then that is not dogging by anyone's definition - that is definately swinging.
I've arranged meets at both very busy locations and a couple of meets at non-dogging quiet locations too. At the meets I've arranged at Bolton (very busy at night) loads of guys invariably end up watching and some take part - they look blank when I ask them what their username is, so I guess they just got lucky hey hey wink .
I like arranging meets, not just for the sex cos I know where to go for that if I want it, I like to meet others from the site as well lol . We go and have outdoor fun on our own sometimes and sometimes we go on the off chance to meet guys too. I suppose it is different arranging a meet, but at the end of the day, if the meet doesn't work out, there's always guys around to join in :twisted:
It's quite easy to start some action, whether or not it is arranged before hand. Everyone has their preferred way of playing, but we tend to just invite a guy into the car, or play with them at the side of the car. Once I establish that they're bi, the rest is history :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Dinah Mo Hum
I don't like pre-arranged meets...even if only because that means that someone knows where I'm going to be, and when.

In a way it's similar to us and we still worry about seeing people we might know.
But are you not worried about people you know just turning up in the car park? Wouldnt that be just as bad?
I really dont fancy the idea of arranged meets but it seems to be the way alot of the new doggers are going, and was just wondering if it is something we should try. More and more car parks are being visited by the police and by the boy racers, the quieter sites have no one around, and with the really cold weather, I dont want to be sat inthe car for two hours, with very little on just waiting for someone to come along!
Like Redhot, it is the anticipation and unkown element of whether there will be someone around to watch us, or will we just get on with it on our own? Either way we will still have a bloody good time!
Quote by Dinah Mo Hum
I don't like pre-arranged meets...even if only because that means that someone knows where I'm going to be, and when.

In a way it's similar to us and we still worry about seeing people we might know.
I agree. That's why we seldom do arranged meets now. Local spots have had their share of problems over last few months, so last thing we want to do is invite along some unknown tosser who then goes on to tell the world where the new locations are rolleyes
As for people we might know - yup! we've met two of them so far, but since they, as well as we, stand to loose face if found out, they're not about to tell the neighbours that they saw us there too :grin:
Oh and we also saw one of our son's recently too. We were in a beach car park and he and his fiancee pulled in, parked their car and went for a walk along the beach promenade!! :eeek:
Lucky for us, they didn't see us and we drove out of there like a bat out of hell blink redface
Tracy-Jayne & Jon
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
I don't like pre-arranged meets...even if only because that means that someone knows where I'm going to be, and when.

In a way it's similar to us and we still worry about seeing people we might know.
But are you not worried about people you know just turning up in the car park? Wouldnt that be just as bad?

If we see someone we know and it's not arranged it doesn't seem the same's still early days for us and there are a lot of nerves !!smile
We have only been 3 times the first time we just turned up at ameeting place as advertised on this website. We waited for a car to turn up plashed on/off the interior light and we had company. As this was the first time we were very lucky.
The second time we arranged a meeting and this did feel like a little of the mystery and scariness had been taken away.
We don't mnd what way we do it as long as it works for us.
To be honest we do prefere the hit and miss approach, but that is what it could turn out to be a HIt & Miss afair.
Most of the "new" people want meets arranged because they can't be bothered to wait.
Hence the "are there any meets arranged" posts.
As in, they just can't believe that people wait for things to happen.
That's why there are loads of "dogging-hotline" sms things about....and even dogging wap sites (plus the per text msg of course, and most sms hotlines don't tell you that you have to CANCEL the texts with another msg)
I've been to arranged things before....but I always have a wander about first....just in case there are people about trying to arrange a collymore on me.
If you arrange anything in Bedfordshire, don't use a dogging site that's in the lists....I've been pulled every night for a week now....and best avoid any gay cruising sites as well, they seem to be getting "hit" too.
Check them out in:

Join the club, then check out the cruising sites in CRUISING (top page) of the best set-up indices I know....county by by town.
AND, if there are likely to be problems....well, the gay guys know about it before you will.
Thanks Jomu, some good advice there. I really want to stick to what I call 'proper' dogging and not arranging to meet people up front, its much more fun! We did get caught by the police and even though we didn't really get questioned it wasn't a very nice experience (I was in the back of the car, with very little clothing on, having loads of fun with a plastic friend while Mr NWC was busy playing with other parts) The police decided to drive up to us with no lights on his car and we didn't even hear him approach, he then stood by our car and shone his torch inside leaving it resting on me! Even when we stopped what we was doing and opened the window he still shone the torch straight onto me while talking to my hubby!
Think I just need to buy a flask and take that with me while waiting for all the other doggers to arrive! Or I could get Mr Naughty to keep me warm :twisted:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
it wasn't a very nice experience (I was in the back of the car, with very little clothing on, having loads of fun with a plastic friend while Mr NWC was busy playing with other parts) The police decided to drive up to us with no lights on his car and we didn't even hear him approach, he then stood by our car and shone his torch inside leaving it resting on me! Even when we stopped what we was doing and opened the window he still shone the torch straight onto me while talking to my hubby!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! How embarrassing! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sorry NWC!! I nearly pee'd my pants then!! :shock:
nice one naughty,another inspired thread to drive a wedge between the banal banter of the disillusioned newbies."satan's sausage" and "the fiendish flange" are but two sides of the same coin of discontent,an industrial steamcleaner the only solution.........our experience of private gigs is limited,i would be out of my depth in trying to offer advice on this are having ample fun with casual dogging,arranged meets are an option we may explore further,with that in mind,we are all ears.............obviously the point of view is different for show couples and playing couples,the outdoor swinging tag wouldn't be appropiate for a private viewing as such,but still goes beyond the traditional definition of dogging............there does seem to be an attraction in being able to select a couple of guys from the forum,knowing,within reason,they are going to be serious about having fun,the downside being that sex on cue may,for us anyway,be too much like alcohol free lager,superficially the same,but missing that vital ingredient?
I can't speak with much authority yet but I guess if you get to know people here and you like them then a pre-arranged meet is fun, although the excitement of people just showing up has its pull reason not to enjoy both I hope wink
Personally, even if I were going to a pre-arranged meet I'd still give the couple a chance to get started before going over to the car or joining them.....the chit chat first followed by a "right then, lets get started" seems a bit too much like a school trip! (a really subversive school full of very naughty pupils obviously! lol ). I'd much rather watch a couple from a discreet distance first to give them some time to get off on being watched and into the moment. Chatting is good but afterwards when everyone is relaxed. Just my point of view though :wink:
Serendipity :color:
hiya naughty
you know what to do Take me and i start it off for you smile
cya on sat jo xx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hiya naughty
you know what to do Take me and i start it off for you smile
cya on sat jo xx

Right Jo, your on, get your ass round here now and we go and see what action we can find :twisted: :twisted:
It is true what I said though, I am never sure how to start the action off and have to rely on someone else making the first move!
Looks like you got yourself a job Jo, starting things off for me, but then you have to stay around and help me finish it all off as well!
See you Saturday
sounds like a great idea
so when ever you go doggin now cum and pick me up and i will start all the fun off for you smile
cya sat jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx're officially NWC's fluffer - nice work if you can get it!! wink