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Dogging Shocker !

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We'd just like to warn everyone , that we went out the other night dogging and something very strange happened !
We did a sexy show , took some pictures and while we were doing it . some guys just watched us and wanked !!
No one shone their main beams on us ( except to find their way into the carpark) no one was rude or assaulted us , no one threatened to smash our car or threatened us with poof bashing .
About ten minutes after we had got there a poilce van came in and swung around the carpark (presumably to harass us ) but all they seemed to do was look around , like they were just patrolling for criminals or something !
If this is the state dogging is coming to we arent sure what the end is going to be really , were astounded .
First time for everything wink :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Are you really really sure it wasn't a dream? I mean, it was night, odd things were happening. Did you get a talking fish in there somehere? Or maybe you managed to fly? All dead giveaways that you are really dreaming.
Of course if all the men there had 10" and were able to keep it up all night I'd say it was definitely a dream!