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dogging site alone...........

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Warming the Bed
i went to a site in southampton the other night and found three cars, tucked away in laybys, each with one guy looking out to space. i was too nervous to stop but afterwards would have liked to stop to see what might lie ahead. what worrys me is, will i get a welcolm, will i get attacked and have my car / belongings nicked, will i offend some one who may be there waiting for his girlfriend or some one, PLEASE, WHAT DO I DO?? :shock:
Warming the Bed
hiya we went to a site in southampton on one night we saw a cple getting it on but there r also a lot of single guys in cars. we went the following night and there wasnt anyone there apart from single guys depends what your into i guess they might be gay guys so be careful!!!!!!! no offence gay men..
gay guys and straights tend to use the same venues,taking 8 inches of blue-vein up yer dirt-box aint compulsory,just because you are on their patch!sometimes gays use one side of a carpark,or may visit at times not likely to clash with doggers...the nerves you felt are normal,and for most,part of the you want to pay safe,sit it out,engine and lights off though!if a couple to arrive,stand by your will soon begin to wonder what you were worried about,then someone will crack you over the head,just to remind you!
Warming the Bed
well dirty doggers i think u have told him to be care full and watch out 4 the crack over the head.... :doh:
Sex God
Quote by scoastswingers
they might be gay guys so be careful!!!!!!

Yeah, and they all might want to shag you all at once..... dream on fella rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll:
Jeeez, when will people stop being so stupid as to think that just cos gay guys use dogging locations that they are in immediate danger. Gay men are not so overcome with lust that every time they see another guy they have to have him. Get a grip!
Warming the Bed
well that was a mixed bag of replies, but thanks anyway, it really does help. fact is i am totally bisexual and so am not adverse to some male entertainment, its just that i am not quite sure how to approach anyone, or will they approach me? all i want really is some fun no strings etc, but i need to know that i am not the only one who feels this way (or am i?) maybe some one could pm me to arrange a possible meet one night in southampton? smile