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Dogging Sussex?

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Forum Virgin
Any tips for a lone bi f dogger new to the area? xxx
Get a big freindly guy to protect you. No I am not volunteering, Sussex is far too far for me.
Forum Virgin
Thanks......I'd like to say Ive been inundated by helpful advice and tips but alas no lol
Warming the Bed
Quote by Greedyfem
Thanks......I'd like to say Ive been inundated by helpful advice and tips but alas no lol

One of our female friends is keen to go, but she has no idea where or who to go with. She, like us are in Sussex too. Maybe we could all hold hands with each other? lol
Warming the Bed
Happy to give you more than "a hand" Greedy, and you as well Austin, as it sounds like it could be pretty hectic...
Based in Brighton, and experienced with both dogging and swinging.
Message me if interested.
Hi, there i am in Sussex too, Hastings. New to the area and wondering where is best.
Hi folks btw lolx
Warming the Bed
As I said before, more than happy to give advice to anyone, or help them get over their first meet...
Quote by Greedyfem
Any tips for a lone bi f dogger new to the area? xxx

Not an exhaustive list but some tips I was given on SH way back when and some stuff I learnt along the way (from the point of view of a voyeur rather than showing and mostly safety stuff)
- If your intention is to watch, think about what you wear as you may want to avoid giving off a signal that says otherwise
- Consider where you park and avoid corners where you could be boxed in
- Keep your car doors locked
- Keep your phone handy but if you have a bag with you, put it in the boot before you leave home
- Take wipes/tissues - even if you don't intend to participate you might be tempted to offer a hand and end up with something damp/sticky/wet in it lol
- Avoid killer heels
- If you want to go dogging with a male friend for company but just to watch, consider separate cars as it's likely other doggers will think that you're there to play/put on a show if you're in the same car (the first two cars parking with their headlights glaring on you are amusing but it gets old, fast wink )
- Take an umbrella, dogging in the rain can be fun!
- If you want to watch someone on the other side of the car park, move your car closer rather than placing yourself too far away from it.
- If you feel nervous, take your time, don't feel pressured to do anything you're not comfortable with.
- If you have friends you can trust with your dogging interest, call them to let them know you've arrived and left safely.
- Check out the places you'd like to visit during the daytime so that you're familiar with exits and know where the worst potholes, random tree trunks and width restrictions are.
Hmmm, can't think of anything else off the top of my head, I'm sure other people can offer some more bright ideas though - good luck!
My tip would be , chose your dogging meet very carefully. Dogging activity down south can be somewhat 'few and far between' but finding a genuine and decent meet is even harder.
If you do, then let me know
Warming the Bed
Serendipity: I agree with most of what you suggest, save for moving your car.
At the (probably the most popular spot in Sussex), the carparks are relatively small compares to some locations (such Wisley). This means that you will not leave yourself as a fem a long way from the safety of your car if decide to leave.
There is something of a problem at the of people (this is mainly single males) moving their cars closer to a couple and preventing them settling.
As ever, happy to hold the hand of a female (or couple) taking their first steps in dogging.
Yet you not think that NOT posting locations on open forum might make it somewhat safer for lone fems......not to mention the rest of us that don't like to be knee deep in plod and boy racers!!!!!!!!!!
Warming the Bed
Quote by s1dthesexist
There is something of a problem at the of people (this is mainly single males) moving their cars closer to a couple and preventing them settling.

So long as we all realise that "the " is a solitary lesbian who moves around Sussex, discussing The will not give the game away to cops and boy racers about what is going on where.
Warming the Bed
Quote by s1dthesexist
There is something of a problem at the of people (this is mainly single males) moving their cars closer to a couple and preventing them settling.

So long as we all realise that "the " is a solitary lesbian who moves around Sussex, discussing The will not give the game away to cops and boy racers about what is going on where.
Quote by Biundydogger

There is something of a problem at the of people (this is mainly single males) moving their cars closer to a couple and preventing them settling.

So long as we all realise that "the " is a solitary lesbian who moves around Sussex, discussing The will not give the game away to cops and boy racers about what is going on where.
That is quite amusing, is there actually a solitary lesbian moving around Sussex?
Sadly the boy racers etc etc are part and parcel to our craft.
Only because there are the self obsessed morons out there who insist on giving detailed descriptions og locations when times and attendance have been discussed. Thereby giving the boy racers and other pests EXACT details of where and when to go! It would be more sensible AND polite to keep mouths (and typing fingers) firmly under control and ABIDE BY THE RULES OF THE FORUM....or in plain words.....SHUT THE FUCK UP!
This is actually for the benefit of others, although we realise that some members may find that an alien concept!
If boy racers etc. must be a "natural hazzard" it makes sense to keep the information available to them down to a minimum!
Warming the Bed
i would love to take you doggin sometime. im also in sussex and quite local
Quote by dippergt750
Only because there are the self obsessed morons out there who insist on giving detailed descriptions og locations when times and attendance have been discussed. Thereby giving the boy racers and other pests EXACT details of where and when to go! It would be more sensible AND polite to keep mouths (and typing fingers) firmly under control and ABIDE BY THE RULES OF THE FORUM....or in plain words.....SHUT THE FUCK UP!
This is actually for the benefit of others, although we realise that some members may find that an alien concept!
If boy racers etc. must be a "natural hazzard" it makes sense to keep the information available to them down to a minimum!

I do totally agree, those twats can ruin what could of been a good night.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Greedyfem
Any tips for a lone bi f dogger new to the area? xxx

hi im only 13 miles from you im experienced in swinging and doggin so would love to meet up
Warming the Bed
Ok, granted it may have been error to refer to a location and I would seek to raise that the location mentioned is recorded in the guide to dogging sites on here.
Perhaps I was wrong to think that puting the location with the specific issue might allow those people reading it to understand that they are ruining it. This was particularly as Serendity had suggested that moving closer was the right thing to do.
Sorry for any offence caused.
Warming the Bed
Quote by s1dthesexist
Ok, granted it may have been error to refer to a location and I would seek to raise that the location mentioned is recorded in the guide to dogging sites on here.
Perhaps I was wrong to think that puting the location with the specific issue might allow those people reading it to understand that they are ruining it. This was particularly as Serendity had suggested that moving closer was the right thing to do.
Sorry for any offence caused.

The same problem keeps coming up on this forum. People are told off or moderated off for mentioning the specific locations of dogging venues while the excact location of hundreds of dogging sites all over the UK are listed in the dogging section of this website. Swining Heaven needs a consistent policy on this. At the moment the attitude appears to be: "Don't do as we do. That's aginst the rules. Do as we say and don't give exact locations of any dogging sites or your account may be suspended."
If we want to make dogging a more private affair, the lists of locations in the dogging section of this website should be deleted by management.
Hi, am new to all this. i was driving around using the locations on the dogging guide but didn't find anything going on. Is the best thing to post on the forum and see what happens?
I'll try again.......
The EXISTENCE of a site is, as quite rightly pointed out, common knowledge...
The thing is, that most of the boy racers have little in the way of patience, and the police have restricted resources, meaning that most sites are not troubled much beyond a certain "background level" that is different for each site, but basically consistent in each case.
The objection to people naming the sites in open forum, is that usually, they do so in a thread that is requesting a "tonight around 10pm".......THAT GIVES AN EXACT "WHEN" tied in with the location, so that every moron for miles around knows that if they turn up at that site at that date and time, there will almost certainly be something going on.
Also, a lot of the morons, turn up at a site at the wrong time and become convinced that a site has become "dead". Every time it is then named, it convinces the morons that this is NOT the case.
We realise, that there are a number of members that will wish to show how they know better, and that they are REALLY clever, and can "work out" where people are refering to in their posts when it is posted in a cryptic manner. However, working on the basis that the more information you shove in peoples faces, the more they are likely to act on that information, then it would seem logical to "KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT" for the sake of others. Although I realise that the concept of having some concern for other people is where it all comes adrift!
Quote by s1dthesexist
Ok, granted it may have been error to refer to a location and I would seek to raise that the location mentioned is recorded in the guide to dogging sites on here.
Perhaps I was wrong to think that puting the location with the specific issue might allow those people reading it to understand that they are ruining it. This was particularly as Serendity had suggested that moving closer was the right thing to do.
Sorry for any offence caused.

I'm lost, neither the OP nor I mentioned the site you've been talking about lol
S1d, you should probably bear in mind that I was giving advice to a solo female dogger from my experience of being a solo female dogger and we do need to think about applying a bit more caution. If I move my car from across a car park, it would be so that I can enjoy dogging whilst still being within a reasonable distance of my car if I need to get back to the safety of it. If a car park is so small that you'd be twenty feet from the car regardless of where you park, common sense would prevail and you wouldn't need to move it.
Fortunately, I've never had a couple have a problem with this, possibly because they quickly see I'm female so they "get" the reason behind it.
Obviously, this isn't the same as the behaviour that I think you're discussing which, if it's what I've occasionally seen and heard about, involves constantly moving around the car park when a new car arrives, putting full beams on, parking so close you can see what radio station someone is listening to etc etc. That's annoying behaviour from any gender!
However, I don't think anyone should construe my comments as a statement on the right thing to do at a specific site. Only that my experience has been that it's sometimes the safer thing to do at sites I've visited.