Hiya, long time no post. It has been a hectic few months, yadda yadda.
I'm just wondering how people feel about dogging whilst pregnant (this may not apply to all readers!). Have you done it? How do you feel about it? If you are a bloke how do feel about pregnant women out and about showing off?
I love going out but as my pregnancy is now quite obvious I'm finding myself getting quite self conscious and yet I love being out in public places with my beloved. I would really value other people's thoughts on it
Best wishes,
there is a couple that come out to play in the bs/ba area
she is pregnant and looks great
brings back memorys
so get out and enjoy
anyone that doesn't like it can walk!
pm if you want to be watched it will be a pleasure
pregnant pics for your profile would be great
Hiya, is she a redhead? if so it might be us!! We'll be out early evening today, perfect picnic weather. Thanks for your message, I'll show himself as he loves it when we go out,
Best wishes,
Would love to watch you....
I find pregnant women attractive, if anyone has a problem with you dogging, tell them to fark off or you'll send rambo round :twisted:
Nah Seren is right , you may be stunningly attractive whilst pregnant , but as far as participation goes I would say even the small chance of some infection passed on makes it kinda not the right thing to do . I suppose just showing off wouldnt be so bad , but for my own taste the whole protective aspect might kinda ruin it , I am certainly not saying pregnant women are unnattractive - far from it - but its a question of stronger feelings than sexual desire ( yes there are some folks ) :-)
Either way its your decision and we wouldnt criticise you for making it .
I suppose Dogging whilst pregnant is better than Pregnant whilst Dogging take care....GW
i cant think of anything better then a curvy,redhead,with a big round belly....what a turn on.
so long as you play safe go for it girl......and lets see some pictures of the fun..
shame your so far away from me really.
Cheers and be safe.
Thank you so much for all the replies. As I said to someone recently, I've already given up enough things such as eating brie sandwiches, doing my jeans up, being able to paint my toenails, being able to watch TV adverts without crying, fitting into my corset, etc. etc. I really don't want to give up dogging especially now the weather is so nice and as a couple we have a freedom we won't have in September. However I also don't want to risk any harm and feel safer amongst a small group or single other at the moment. We were out the other night and it turned into a scene almost straight out of the Blues Brothers (less police cars though!) and I'm not madly into that just now.
I appreciate the concerns people have raised and of course safety and well being are my big priority. I go out with my other half, a mere 6'4 (and a bit!), 18 stone rugby player build kinda guy (oooooh I'm going all funny thinking about it!) who is hugely protective.
Nice to hear so many people think a big curvy woman is so sexy too.
Again thanks to all who have replied either on the forum or by pm. If you see us out and about please do say Hello. It is the amazing the amount of people we have felt might be scary but when they talk to us have been so nice
Delirium x
Ahhh... we enjoyed it too. Glad to have made an impression!
: ive met you before you were pregnant and had a lovely time, lots of fun, and now your pregnant too, mmmmmmmm carnt wait to see you again, just call and ill be there :P
Thanks for the links Serendipity, they made for interesting reading although I have to agree the first one was more than a little sus. I'd not considered how the red top papers might find this sort of behaviour rather more interesting if a woman is pregnant. Food for thought. Dam these raging hormones!!
Sounds like your sensible, have the experience and are thinking it through carefully - go with what you feel you want to do!
I also think it's important not to lose any thing from your life out of choice. Keeping life together and feeling good are particularly important for mum, keep happy and everything is going to be good. Why change the pleasurable things in life?
You also have your man to deter those possibly short of brain cells to make a fuss??
Have fun
best wishes,