ive been off line for a few weeks due to pcproblems and now noticed that the duncster dogging notices are almost non existant has ehere been problems or is it just alull in the times doncasterused to be a popular area of topic disscusion but is rarely mentioned these days your vjews would be greaty appreciated
I've been away from Donny for about 6 months, me and the missus took a drive around last night. A` few guys and some boy racers around but no couples and seemed very quiet according to all those we chatted to. Maybe the couples all went elsewhere and we don't know where??? anyone able to let us know. would like to go out this weekend and meet some other couples xxx
hi,we find the best time is late at night,not 9 or 10pm the idiots and boy racers have gone home by then, proberbly to do their homework,lol.
Hi,we have noticed the decline of Doncaster over the last 4/5 weekend the police raided most places,we were"questioned" by 2 separate patrol cars,in the end all they could threaten us with was a producer.....WOW talk about waisting manpower. Anyway now Doncaster is back on the map lets keep any exact locations out of the headlines...................Suzy/Stu....xxxxx Ad number 237835
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