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facebook dogging police

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AKA homophobic self-pleasurers:

The old-ones are the best !
Why can't people just leave people alone and not judge others.
Nobody's doing any harm apart from those sickos.
I see most of the video is around the A666 area. There have always been issues round this way. I had my car attacked and vandalised there about 10 years ago. they threw eggs at me and jumped on the bonnet waving baseball bats. Did about £700 worth of damage.
I see most of the video is around the A666 area. There have always been issues round this way. I had my car attacked and vandalised there about 10 years ago. they threw eggs at me and jumped on the bonnet waving baseball bats. Did about £700 worth of damage.
Not the brightest it seems. Perhaps someone should pay his mum a visit while he's out.
Quote by warthog2306
I see most of the video is around the A666 area. There have always been issues round this way. I had my car attacked and vandalised there about 10 years ago. they threw eggs at me and jumped on the bonnet waving baseball bats. Did about £700 worth of damage.

hi im jacko i been there a few time in my truck n the truck was only 3months old n i got bricks thrown at it put a few dent in the side but didnt do it again cos i waited for them to come bk n i put a brick in the back window of the car n 2 lads jumped out ended up fightin with 1 of them but since that never had any problem not been for about 8 months nw so whats it like nw?????
My first post on here and reading about this really annoyed me! Who are they to control what people like to do for a bit of extra excitement. Most doggers head out later in the day or in secluded places when there is small chance of causing any upset to the general public.
They are just a bunch of your typical thugs who like nothing better than to cause aggro and start fights. They should have been put down long ago to do the world a favour!
I can only imagine how boring sex is for them lol
I would imagine facebook would be pleased to know that one of it's members is giving out reg numbers of cars they don't own over a public forum, surely that must be in breach of the terms of service of a member.
silly little boys who will no doubt be out dogging in 10 years time.
Hahahah ! We have posted replies to similar videos on youtube. Truth is that we all know the real reason these guys return again and again to the sites. They just dont have the courage to admit they would dearly love their other half to suggest that they stop and try it. Dont get mad at em, they are just frustrated and uptight. Just pity.
I think you're being rather too charitable Mr G (and Ms Silk).
Their "other half" is more likely to suggest they try it because they would get a lot more than she/he would get at home (or in the back of the car).
I have noted at "the local" that several of the strange vehicles (noisy, slow and with bright lights) return at the dead of night for the ritual of the night. Which features mano-et-mano physical contact (a sort of male bonding thing). Last night one was there and bonded with a newly arrived tranny.
Its a pity the real police dont cathc that cabbage doing the commentary...driving while looking through a video camera must be illegal.
Closet gays I think lol
Quote by cjuk1999
Closet gays I think lol

Nothing closet about them...
Driving about dogging spots look for men in cars ;)
You notice it is only men that they seem to be looking for .. lol
Has anyone noticed that the facebook entries ended in March!
A little digging reveals that there were several serious incidents in the area involving members of the public being attacked by "vigilantes". Apparently there was some action taken by the authorities that had the effect of ending the activities of the "dogging police" but as a consequence, has also had a serious effect on other activities in the area due to increased police (the real ones!) activity.
I have been given to understand that this is now pretty much a dead issue in the area.
I noticed that immediately !
But it was of interest and was worth it for that reason alone.
What a really well informed set of fuckwits they are. The only way to deal with these morons is to give them the beating of their sad and pathetic lives. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Very brave group of boys who can only confront people in gangs of 4 or more.
This is why we always go out tooled up (excuse the pun!) - if there's a chance of anyone harming Mrs Jazels, I'll need to act.
@ jazels.... too true smile