Any couples that fancy meeting tonight, that means COUPLES not all you single guys!!
Get in touch, youll probably know where we will be. Happy to meet else where for fun and games
The last time i went upto shirley hills it was mainly guys a little bit unerving as the place his more for gay guys than couples. unfortunately i am a single guy so i am wanted about as much as anyone wants toothache!
Anyway i hope you find fun up in them thar hills! Maybe you'll give a single guy a chnce perhaps?
There are alot of guys but were trying to change all that, as for gays. It must have been a while since you have been up there because we havent seen any!!
Anway must dash time for some outdoor pursuits (wink wink)
im gna take my girlfriend up there this weekend hoping to come across some action. but lately its been very quite. hopefully the summer will bring it back. anyone is welcome to watch.
id love to watch at shirley hills.. im well behaved, we single guys are not all louts... check my ad #78730...
thats sounds a good idea.... well, im available most evenings.. and im certainly not threatening or pushy lol
It would be good to get a heads up when Some people go dogging!! ....Nudge Nudge Wink Wink.... ahem!!...
hiya sorry for not replying to peoples messages we cudnt get out the other night. but we will be going hills 2night 100%. so if anyones around let us no?