Ok, prepared to be shot down in flames here like a total newbie. But I went dogging for the frst time ever the other night. When I say dogging, it was more a case of pulling up in a car park "known" for being a dogging spot. Half the reason was I had been driving for hours and hours coming back the day after bluesxxx's party and.... lame as it sounds, i was going to order a curry for when i got home, but it turns out i didn't have the number in my mobile. But it had been on my mind on the way back that if i was going to stop, I might as well do it at this secluded spot on the North York Moors.... just to... erm.... see..
Anyhows while sitting there in the dark, I felt really... weird. Scary in parts but also very odd. Like i was a fish out of water. I love voyeurism, so the idea of dogging shouldn't be that strange, but just sitting there waiting for something to happen was odd. Not knowing and peering into the dark. Were the other cars there for the same reason?
I have read the "rules" on dogging.... brake lights etc, but are these commonly observed dogging rules, or specific to organised doggers?
Anyhow, I guess my main reason for posting this is to ask this: Do you sit there half waiting for something to happen and half wondering if everyone else is sitting there as fellow doggers, how do you know? .. and do you get scared? Cos i was....