I feel pretty weird sitting waiting, which is why I walk about.....and since most couples out showing now don't signal it means I tend to et lucky more than most.
Mind you, if you get to know other doggers you may be able to get them to 'phone you when something is going-on.....they will, when they've got to know you a bit and when they're sure you aren't the bill or news-tripe...............
Yes, every time! And there's a teensy bit of you that wonders if the people in the car park a mile away are having more luck and makes you think about going there, but something might happen where you are........what to do, what to do
Ha ha, excellent other people feel like this too!!! I think part of our problem has been not sitting still long enough. Was out on my own over the weekend and sat in the same spot for nearly two hours... TWO BLOODY HOURS!!! Anyway, just as I was about to bugger off a very nice couple pulled up next to me and.....you can guess the rest.
and do you get scared? Cos i was....
We did the first time when three blokes approached the car from behind, out of the bushes and the shadows, that really freaked her out and nearly put her off for life. And I did the other night when a car with a very burly single bloke pulled up on my left, another to my right and a third blocked the exit to the car park. Scared was an understatement, fortunately another car wanted to get in so the other 3 buggered off. The afforementioned couple also arrived shortly after and whisked me away. Was a scary moment tho' and I'm still not sure what was happening. Lots of things were going through my head.
PS. How do I do that "POSTIE WROTE" trick thing in a box?
Welcome to the dogging club postie mate.
I am usually very comfortable at home in my usual site but I have to admit when I tried dogging in a new site last night (waste of time), I didn't know the layout of the place, nor anyone there and it was soo dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face and yes I was scared :!:
It's a nightmare game to learn but the good nights make it pay off. I have to say personally my last few trips have ended in misery, but the last time I was succesful (bank holiday monday) was so mind blowingly brilliant it makes it worthwhile overall.
Harry Jones
Thanks for all the replies... clears up some of those wierd ideas that run through your head while sitting there in the dark.
I did return to the original spot on the way back from the Yorks munch, but the car park was deserted... so i ended up with my head hanging out of the window, looking up at the Milky Way, while smoking a ciggy (as the north York moors have no light pollution the Milky Way is clearly visible). Found that quite enjoyable for a bit...