Do you ever venture further out than Manchester area gingerjo
Hi jo,
Count me in please.
Hi gingerjo-lee, we look forward to catching up with you soon, if we can not make fri you have a good time and enjoy your selfs,
B n H
hi ginge, mike buxton , love to meet u tomorrow if poss, what time where???? e mail me jo atMods edit to removed email address which you are not allowed to postthanks
sent u guys a pm of where im going
so get back to me and let me know if u can make it
thanks jo xxx
im interested as well jo, send me a pm please
Hi jo chatted on the rooms yesterday will make it today if you can give me the time and place i will be there
Paul xxxx
ive just pm'ed u
thanks jo x
where you gonna be and what time, i,m keen.
have mailed you, first time dogger, hope to join the fun