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friday night

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15 replies
1 watcher
hi we are an atractive couple out friday night northwest area .if anyone would like to watch or take part get back with a location .we are free friday night from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx sex you in sex
wink New to this would love to watch some action do you ever go to pennington flash.
hi how do you feel about daisy nook? xxx
Do you fancy visiting sunny warrington - it would be sooooo much fun xxxx
How do you lot feel about NOT posting exact location names in future? Although you have not posted times along with these locations, you have now told the world that these sites are active. NICE ONE. People who use these locations in the next couple of weeks will have an increased chance of trouble. COOL. Aren't you lot clever.... NOT.
I've left the locations on, cos I don't use them so what do I care :lol2: . Feel free to delete them yourselves if you learn a bit of sense soon rolleyes
Hi I would be interetes in watch or joining in I have met some couples and singles before and like to try anything and do most things I would love to meet today/tonite so get back to me I can be available at any location NW
Quote by bluexxx
How do you lot feel about NOT posting exact location names in future? Although you have not posted times along with these locations, you have now told the world that these sites are active. NICE ONE. People who use these locations in the next couple of weeks will have an increased chance of trouble. COOL. Aren't you lot clever.... NOT.
I've left the locations on, cos I don't use them so what do I care :lol2: . Feel free to delete them yourselves if you learn a bit of sense soon rolleyes

Fully agree with everything Blue has said (as always). We are verynew to this and have already had a bad experience at one of the places mentioned. We have also visited all of the places mentioned and some other places in the North West. We were hoping to go out tonight, (last chance before holidays) but after this, I think we will be avoiding all of these sites mentioned!!!!! Oh no, no fun for three weeks!!!! sad
Please dont mention specific sites, it just ruins it for the rest of us!
When will they learn?
It seems that them new to dogging need to read up on in instead of acting like a bull in a china shop. The locations mentioned are totally crap anyhow due to idiots posting locations on net. Thank god proper doggers keep stum over best places. rolleyes
Quote by nwuk
Thank god proper doggers keep stum over best places. rolleyes

Indeed, some proper doggers do, so maybe we will see nightgirlsss at one of the less known (more closely guarded) dogging spots......... nightgirlsss PM me for details of one if needed...... but prepare to be closely scrutinised first!!!
love to meet up im new to this but have put a location in a pm!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes
have sent you a pm, hoping for details of time/location
we have been dogging and putting on shows for nearly 20 years we like to have doggers watch us and join in if she fancies them .any dogger gets out of line they dont go dogging for a good while mad as for the police i stay away from them they stay away from me simple .we will be at xxxxxxxxx tonight just after dark .to be a good dogger you need to have guts and no brains .i dont use my brains to fuck
Edit: Deleted place name as it was put with a time!!! Read the AUP surely you have just enough brains to do that!
Well nightgirlsss you obviously don’t get the idea of what we are trying to say about not giving out places and times........ I would think every reporter, police officer and novice dogger will be at that location tonight..... and the next night and the next night etc.........
I have already had 1 PM from a couple who were thinking of going there tonight but are now uncomfortable with it, and I can understand their concern.
It is a well known spot, I agree, but that isn’t the point…. what if it wasn't... would you still be as free with advertising it on an open board..... On reflection, I am afraid I have to retract my offer.
Please be a little more considerate and keep locations and times to PM’s…. for everyone’s enjoyment.
Quote by nightgirlsss
as for the police i stay away from them they stay away from me simple .we will be at xxxxxxxxxxxxx tonight just after dark

Looks to me like you've just given them an invite!!! rolleyes (before I deleted place name)
Quote by nightgirlsss
any dogger gets out of line they dont go dogging for a good while mad

I gather that you are claiming that you will sort them out? That's the way I read it anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong .......... what about the people that go dogging there that are not as aggressive as you - youve just completely ruined for them plus any other new, slightly nervous, couples that were thinking of giving it a try!
Quote by nightgirlsss
you need to have guts and no brains .i dont use my brains to fuck

As you've just shown by inviting the police/morons/boyracers along, how brave rolleyes
Good luck!
well said all re locations why dont people us pms i dont know , u ok frogster mate