To all that were out on Oxon/Bucks border Friday night thanx for a great evening. D & C awesome as always and hope to see you again soon. A will never forget his first success as a newbie dogger thanks to you C! And to the other couples great to see you out. Hope the new couple felt relaxed when they left and that having a chat and watching without pressure to participate made you feel at ease. Maybe we'll see you out again soon.
Excellent time rob and repeated Tuesday night at another site with same couple. Get out there mate, get out the car and join us we don't bite.
Can't tell you that rob. We get enough attention from the local constabulary at the minute so we're not going to broadcast where we are. You just have to get out there and be patient you'll find us.
..... mr mal what result- game?
mr bicester i ment in pm not tell everyone lol
Rob having never met you (although if what you say is correct you may have been in a car park when I've been in there) I won't pm you. It's not a case of a few going out doing all the work, making the contacts, sitting for hours with absolutley nothing happening and then we just pm people where it's happening. Too be honest I don't even pm couples until i'm sure of who they are. If you want the fun and the thrill of a great evening then get out of your car and come over and chat. Get yourself known when you're comfortable swap phone numbers and then you'll be in the know.