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Good times were had @ the cpl4cplherts

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Hi everyone I am new and looking. Got a girl so its on the down low but if you are keen on bringing someone new into your group let me know.
Also I just want some of those trouble makers out there to know
cpl4cplherts are a real couple and that its sad some of the vetran members think its okay to austrasize us newer members for being picky and taking our time to stake out good opportunities.
Sometimes people want quality over quantity its best some of you remember that.
Sorry about the speech just don't like people getting picked on for going their own path.
cpl4cplherts would love to be invited again had good fun last time.
Quote by rogerkanada
Hi everyone I am new and looking. Got a girl so its on the down low but if you are keen on bringing someone new into your group let me know.
Also I just want some of those trouble makers out there to know
cpl4cplherts are a real couple and that its sad some of the vetran members think its okay to austrasize us newer members for being picky and taking our time to stake out good opportunities.
Sometimes people want quality over quantity its best some of you remember that.
Sorry about the speech just don't like people getting picked on for going their own path.
cpl4cplherts would love to be invited again had good fun last time.

Gosh, thanks so much for sharing those words of wisdom, oh experienced one. lol
Yeah ill sleep better now Bev and no mistake .
Yes, their lovely post from two days ago shows how ostracised they've been rolleyes
Quote by cpl4cplherts
well once again we would like to say thanks to swinging heaven
we are new to this site and posted an add last week for a cpl and got exaclly what we wanted
fri we posted an add for a single male for a bit of fun at ours and we got a nice guy fron st albans he knows who he is cos hes prob still smilling
a few months ago my missis thought this sort of thing was iffy but managed to bring her round to trying this site and to my amazment she gets carred away wen we meet people shes very relaxed and takes the lead witch leaves me looking at her thinkin go on girl
its mainly down to the fact that we clearly state wot we want and every 1 that replys respect that and are all genuine and not pushy so we want to thank all you who replyed and a big thanks to this site
all we need to try now is a ffm
offers welcome xx tony sam

They seem perfectly are you their official spokesperson or did you just feel the need to join the forum to cause trouble yourself? FYI I've never seen any of the "veteran" doggers ostracise anyone.
- not a veteran or a troublemaker yet, but there's always hope :twisted:
P.S. That sounds really bitchy and saracastic when I read it back redface The sarcasm is intentional but the question about official spokesman vs troublemaker is a genuine one. Has something happened that they've asked you to bring up.....or are you sticking your nose in? (and in the process, naming yourself as the person they met recently - hope they're ok with you sharing that confused )
well hi again its only us
just to set the record straight we invited the man in question to our place as the reply we got touched us and he seemed very nice and took time to rite a bit about himself
as for us being genuine we had some cpl bloke wotever he realy is pestering us after we gave our mobile to him wanting to know if i was gay er hello we didnt advertise for a gay man
then he had the cheek to write onb here to say we were fake and i was a single bloke
so we asked the person in question to say we were genuine
and for all you cpls out there we would just like to say that the guy we met was very nice genuine and not pushy
rodger thank you and we will keep u in mind xx
So someone spoke out of turn, accusing you of being a single guy and being rude - I get how that would aggravate you but Roger joining up to accuse the "veteran" doggers of ostracising, mmmmm.....I don't see how the two are related sad
Hey ho, everyone deals with situations differently I guess dunno
AAAw thats just another example of how wonderful this site can be ! Heres us cynical old hands smelling a rat and they have come and put it all straight now so we can all stop getting out of our prams . Shame on us , its just an example of the effeciency of Swinging Heaven , they both joined within a week , and they managed to meet and have some fun successfully - thats what I call a success story . I feel suitably humbled .
Yep Big G it's so nice to see a success story in these days of paucity smile
I can see how the players in question hit it off so well though as they have so much in common ...even down to their spelling mistakes.
Austrasize ...isn't that somehing Adolf Hitler tried once upon a time confused:
hehehe apparently its the title of a little known and ground breaking Nazi Aerobic system that he developed :shock:
Apparently, and contrary to popular belief, Adolf was anti excercise ......I mean you only have to recall what he did when he found out about Pole Dancing :shock:
Quote by rogerkanada
Hi everyone I am new and looking. Got a girl so its on the down low but if you are keen on bringing someone new into your group let me know.
Also I just want some of those trouble makers out there to know
cpl4cplherts are a real couple and that its sad some of the vetran members think its okay to austrasize us newer members for being picky and taking our time to stake out good opportunities.
Sometimes people want quality over quantity its best some of you remember that.
Sorry about the speech just don't like people getting picked on for going their own path.
cpl4cplherts would love to be invited again had good fun last time.
hi all just sitting here drinking a beer reading all this, and i agree with everyone lol
Two beers = agree with everyone
Four Beers = love everyone
Six Beers = attempt to shag everyone
No wonder you're feeling agreeable Luton Couple lol wink
I can only manage Five pints and tonight on an empty stomach only managed one pint, no wonder I'm a lonely loveless virgin.
Harry Jones
Quote by HarryJones
I can only manage Five pints and tonight on an empty stomach only managed one pint, no wonder I'm a lonely loveless virgin.
Harry Jones

virgin on the ridiculous pint
Quote by Serendipity
Two beers = agree with everyone
Four Beers = love everyone
Six Beers = attempt to shag everyone
No wonder you're feeling agreeable Luton Couple lol wink
ok now im on my 25th pint serendipity cum sit on my face lol