Yes it is good weather for showing off I trot down to my fave spot in Leigh, out comes the book....ooops the window needs winding down, Oooops skirt is far too short lol, someone must have got a good flash of no knickers :twisted:
Sitting there with the breeze blowing my skirt up and the lowest top I could muster....sheepdog bra pushing large tits right up and quite an eyeful.
Lots of luffly guys getting boats ready and coming back from fishing etc ...... nice big gap either side then.........
An ancient old fossil with his even more ancient mother pull in right bedside me in a camper van ...... grrrrrrr Then on the other side an old biddy pulls in ....grrrrrrr. The fossil decides he's gonna sit in the back of the van with the side door open (I already gave to charity this week).
so I shoot off to get more drink and come back, parking in a slightly different spot....ahhhhhhh more blokes arriving coz the tide's coming in.
Then......the kiddy winks arrive, complete with loud music and a BBQ, whell they were there for the evening so I buggered off.
Wasted....totally wasted lol. :cry:
I am an essex amle and am always looking for dogging sites. Most of them seem to be closed down! Where do u go Tabbi?