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has dogging been killed by the internet

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Phew just counted the posts at least not in top six biggrin
Only problems the good lady and I have found whilst out dogging is the lack of straw for the mule and the spurs keep ripping the seat covers smile
Without meaning to beat a dead donkey, I had been, until recently, a rookie dogging fan, keen on the idea, but not entirely sure where to go due to the threat of arrest etc.
However, I met an amazingly helpful couple on another site (won't advertise, i know the rules). After talking for a couple of weeks online, they let me know of a place in the Greater Manc area they know to be safe. We arranged a meet, and I have to agree and disagree about the youth of today being used to porn etc.
It was one of the greatest thrills of my life, despite a small disapointment about me not being asked to join in (well i am young and male, give me that much), I was more than happy to watch them, indeed I probably got a bigger thrill from not participating!
I suppose what I'm trying to say is, that I agree that most of the younger and newer doggers arent really dogging, all a few of them/us need is a good rollicking about what it actually is, and maybe we can get things back on track for everyone
Warming the Bed
i know big g is a moderator and all that however myself and the other posters are not moaning i feel we are trying to hark back to better times. these times were only a few years back maybe three or four years gone by. i totaly disagree that because we want to buck the trend and aspire to dogging how it used to be. then we should ship out. i suppose when hitler was killing the jews it would have been easier for the people who disented to ship out however we like them are made of sterner stuff and will strive for dogging like it used to be. as one of the last posters stated the thrill of waiting is probably the best part.
Sex God
Quote by andy_loki
i know big g is a moderator and all that

Is he?
Hey G, you've joined the elite lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: wink :wink: :wink:
Quote by andy_loki
i totaly disagree that because we want to buck the trend and aspire to dogging how it used to be. then we should ship out. i suppose when hitler was killing the jews it would have been easier for the people who disented to ship out however we like them are made of sterner stuff

I'm sorry Andy, I had to say this. Conflicting opinions on how dogging is done and the murder of jews, gypsies and anyone else not fitting the aryan ideal are really not an appropriate comparison sad
in conclusion, i think that we all agree that dogging is done in the great outdoors, not online. so if you want to join the fun, you'll have to leave the computer screen and go out.....
That one sentence says it all welll said funcouple_gd you just have to have patience and RESPECT
Warming the Bed
I take your point i was a tad over reaching with my comparisons. Sorry however i was only trying to emphasize the previous comments of get rid of all the moaners attitude.
I hope this forum is non judgemental and listens to all views with equal weight.
You don't need luck, you don't need the internet, you don't need "appointments"..............what you need is time and patience...........if you ain't there, you'll see nothing.
Goo sites share the same basic things.......few are in the middle of housing estates, none in or near "problem" estates. Few have multi-kilowatt lighting towers, most are nice and dark. Practically all are also used for gay cruising and none are in front of police stations (although a few are just down the road from same)
The good ones have a bumpy surface, all the better for ruining the suspension of the bo'racing team.
Sneaky car parks, loads of bushes, rough driving and warm mouths starting to water....gotta go....
That has got me going as well jomu
Not only wouldnt i be a moderator ( dont have the self control and dont like the pay and holiday structure) but I dont think they would dream of asking me ( proper giggling here)
Sorry I was tired and didnt make meself clear . I wasnt having a go at the first six posters at all , when I said " 6 post dickwad " I was referring to the amount of posts and the subject of the posts from the original whinger who posted and no one else . Sorry if I got anyones goat up know thats not like me at all !
Quote by andy_loki
I take your point i was a tad over reaching with my comparisons. Sorry however i was only trying to emphasize the previous comments of get rid of all the moaners attitude.
I hope this forum is non judgemental and listens to all views with equal weight.

We do listen Andy mate , and we all heard the genocide comparison ...goodness! :shock:
However we have all listened so so soooooo long that we do get a trifle tired when folk dont do a quick search of previous whinges and discover that they dont neccessarily need to repeat it .
All the best anyway
Warming the Bed
Thanks G as ever your wisdom is awe inspiring
Forum Virgin
I think the net/publicity has definately had an impact. We used to frequent M25 jct10 now closed. Bournemouth - one closed and the other seems to have a resident police car. This weekend we found out that our favourite hill near Portsmouth is about to be locked at night.
We now tend to cruise the smaller car parks in theNew Forest and we usually find someone to play with although it's a long time since we found another couple this way.
We now do not tell anyone about the places we go until we are sure they are genuine and usually agree to meet up a a know spot and then move on to our places.
Obviously if you do not want unwanted attention then DO NOT broadcast the locations to all and sundry.
Forum Virgin
I am now getting old but for the last 40 years I have enjoyed the sight of couples "putting on a show" and believe me it hasn't changed much. We "pimpers" as we used to be called really enjoyed the thril of the chase as well as the the actual action. I have been chased, beaten up, follwed to where they thought I lived and then knocked on the front door presumably to tell the wife. The real decline came when girls started to live on their own and could invite who they wanted back to their place. It went further down hill when the turfing out time of the pubs changed from 10:30 as you would always get the couples getting horny in the pub rushing down to the local site and then going back to join the clubs. Obviously a lot of men can now get their kicks from the internet as it saves getting cold and removes the possiblity of honging around all day or night and not seeing anything. In many ways its more open now although I am still very very wary of approaching couples just in case it is a trap to beat me up again and I can't run as fast as I used too! (lol) So perhaps the internet does have its place. It means that I can arrange a meeting with a geniune couple and not have to be too worried about others finding out and telling the wife.
my word, what a fascinating piece, and 40 years in the game, what a trooper..not many here can call jomu relatively inexperienced, i take my hat off to you pops wink
"pimpers", not heard that term used before either..tell you what, you've put a few angles forward that i hadn't considered before..i'm sure i'll be reading your thread over a few times..i'm interested in the "thrill of the chase" aspect, its something i'd had some thoughts about, myself. recently..
blimey, just done my sums, was it really 1965 when you started? mini-skirts and mini coopers.."the animals"..not the guys, the band....can you tell us more, please?
Hi Triedandtested, welcome to the site, and I echo everything Dirty has said above. It would be great to 'listen' to some of your stories, and tales of fun, so please, carry on posting becuase you already seem to have a fan club!
You do make some interesting points about using the Internet and I can see why people would want to go down that line. The reason we have not done this is mainly because we are a showing couple and we did advertise once for single males. Two of the replies were really nice and they guys said they were looking forward to seeing a show, but the remainder just sent 'dirty' pms saying what they wanted to do to me! So meeting these guys and just putting on a show did not seem appropriate. My personal feeling is that the guys 'appear' to think more is on offer when you place an ad, and rather than disapoint by not offering them a quickie in the back of the car, I would rather just go out and hope that there are some decent blokes out there. Of course I may be completely wrong, but at the moment we are comfortable with this.
I have already said my thoughts on the Internet, and I really do think it has its place. The Internet has not ruined dogging, its just a small percentage of the people who use it.
Anyway really looking forward to your next post!
Naughty Wigan Couple
Quote by Triedandtested7
The real decline came when girls started to live on their own and could invite who they wanted back to their place.

That's a really interesting point, the decline of dogging(pimping) brought on by the same kind of liberation for women that made it possible to start with! :shock:
Warming the Bed
Forum Virgin
Thanks for all the kind response. Over the years we have got up to all kind of capers. By we I mean a dear friend of mine who is now dead. We met while watching this couple from opposite sides and after they left he turned out to be a really nice guy so for 30 years we used to meet up usually once or twice a week. The thrill of the chase was mentioned but we used to look upon it as a craft. The aim was to get as close as you could to get a very good view and then depart WITHOUT being seen. An old pimper up in scotland a long time ago told me "if you can't get a good view then go away and come back another day because if you don't you will give yourself away and spoil it" It was wise words and as I said before being chased and beaten up is no fun, but even when you take this on board you can still get caught out. We spent all afternoon once watching this couple in the woods and we were sure we were well hidden. They kissed and mucked about for over 4 hours yet did nothing and we wondered why. Just as they got back into their cars they both looked in our direction and blew us a kiss. Obviously we had been well rumbled some long time before. Three scary tales to leave you with. A regular site just outside Bishop Auckland got a couple who really did go to town and the word amongst the pimpers spread fast. My friend and I were really keen to get a piece of this so we met up and drove to the site. We parked the car and yes this couples car was in the trees. We were just creeping towards them when we heard a slight clunk and proceeded to watch Mr Plod climbing down a tree. He then went and arrested two other guys who were watching the other side of the car. Without the sound of the handcuffs it could have been us. Not too far away was another site which also had a good reputation, untill we arrived to find a pimper with a gun pretending to be a game warden. Not only did he threathen us but on a subsequent visit shot at us and because we were into the woods away from the road he could probably claim he didn't know we were there if he had hit us. The last was a place just outside stockton which always had regular couples. The path was enough to get a car in and the trees covered the path. We built this 'hide' in the tree and spent many a sunny afternoon having some great shows. After two months of saving petrol and fustration by nothing anywhere else we were up this hide, got a great show and just after they left we were just climbing down when we noticed that the branch we had built the hide on had been sawn 80% through. How it never collapsed under our weight I will never know. Perhaps someone reading this knows who did it wink
:shock: being shot at is no fun in any walk of life....still it didn't stop you though did it. now thats a dedicated fellow who deserves a show!
kinda puts the whines about police drive-throughs in perspective doesn't it? thanks for sharing that triedandtested..really interesting to get an alternative take on the game, and the state of play in the days gone by.
recently, i've had two, quite accidental voyueristic encounters which has made me rethink our dogging incidents i've hinted at, both involve couples, one young, the other more mature getting caught, bang to rights, in the act, by my good self lol neither were at venues known for regimented dogging, one was by day, the other twilight..and actually, both were highly erotic, in part, because the accidental exhibitionists were in turn amused at my discovery, even though i actually saw very little :cry:
the scenarios you describe, evidently involved you watching, with the couple being wink unaware..thats the roots of dogging i imagine? people will have differing opinions on the morals, i'm not judging you on that..but i can see that the added element of reality would certainly have made the experience highly charged, and i also expect the "bush" craft would have been honed to perfection, for that, you have my respect..
This thread kinda confirms some theories I had , had about the genesis of dogging . Truth is alot of what the old doggers seem to remember fondly as great shows were more often back then straight forward peeping tom sessions . Im sure since cars were invented they have been used for shagging , especially in less enlightened time when folk had less convenient places to go otherwise. Of course there have also always been fellas who were prepared to watch them do the do in the back seat . Whether I would call that dogging is another matter though , i would suggest the crawling through bushes , comoflage outfits and the actual building of a "hide" would probably indicate the " showers " being less participants and more victims in many cases .
Of course the real illicit thrill of dogging comes from knowing that the folk involved want to be watched , and im not saying it didnt ever happen , but it doesnt sound like it was the norm . So perhaps many of the heady days of dogging remembered here are tinged with more than a tad of fantasy , and some are mixing dogging with being a voyeur of unaware couples ...............Im reliably informed some one who sneaks up on an unaware couple is known in dogging circles as a " creep " which seems quite apt .
.Im reliably informed some one who sneaks up on an unaware couple is known in dogging circles as a " creep " which seems quite apt .
you will be surprised how much of this activity still goes on, i know at least 4 sites in the north east were it is practiced on a nightly basis and i wouldn't be surprised if it goes on in at least a couple of sites in every county in the uk.
going back to the original post on this thread"has the internet killed dogging" no chance' its just evolving, its changing to suit modern day life' and the modern day dogger is no different from me who has been in the game 8 years or triedandtested(40) he's after the same goal' if he wasn't that way inclined he wouldn't do it.
mr dirty often mentions the word "craft, but like most proffesions and way of life "craft, has been replaced by technoligy (the push of a button) and now sadly it is happening with dogging.
as i have already said in a earlier post on this subject.. the internet can be used for private meets in unknown locations with people who you know a little about and what they look like and what they want' and that must be more safer for both parties involved,
if your a cpl i leave you this question?..would you prefer to meet me..say this weekend if you got too know a bit about me through the inet ie msn,pics,mobile chat, in general using the modern day way of dogging' or would you have liked too encounter me 8 years ago when i first started..well the first year anyway as some would call me a....creep..i know which one i'd choose.
umm, certainly some food for though regarding the dogging evolution..and certainly before it became a participation sport, i expect the greater part of the game involved premeditated voyuerism of unaware couples..this "traditionaly aknowledged" male desire has been around long before the motor car, and was made public i suppose with the "what the butler saw" machine at the end of the pier..always the imagery showed the "lewd" acts from the perspective of a keyhole..even erotic imagery pandered to this desire, with photos bieng printed with tha addittion of keyhole vignettes.
later of course, maybe late 60's early 70's, we had the advent of the "peepshow" where for a token amount, you could observe a striptease from the security of a darkened booth, the peeping would be done through a slot, which usually fitted the proportions of a letterbox..far from these shows being the sole domain of the dirty mac brigade, they attracted a wide cross section.
what makes the "advent" of traditional dogging a moralistically questionable one is the absense of "choice" from the accidental exhibitionists..but their victim status would only be relevant if caught, and it seemed that the pimpers honed their craft in order to make that an infrequent happening..those that were caught would themselves become victims of law, violence, marital "turmoil" or as in the cited example, just a prolonged piss take..
there is also the issue regarding the observers status, be it accidental, or as in the "pimpers" case, very of the things that showing couples today have to be on their gaurd about, is inapropiate behaviour in front of members of the unaware the case of some women, and all children, the morality is unquestionable..whereas with the majority of guys there doesn't appear to be much issue..we could be caught in the act, and see the man standing and staring as a peeping tom, but there would also be the question of whether we had inadvertantly upset a member of the public with our gratutitous act of depravity, although territorialy from within the confines of our vehicle, non the less, in a public space..we were once, long ago, "caught in the act" on a public the dunes..we thought we might be in trouble for being perverts, however, the perception reversed when he raised his binoculars to his eyes.
our first outing, was also our first real awareness of the term "dogger"..soon after parking, the male partner of a couple approached to introduce himself..after a short conversation, he suggested i go and say hello to his wife, who was stood by their vehicle, surrounded by men..having stood with them for a few moments, explaining our newbie status, two men walked briskly past.."we call them doggers" she said with contempt, "they like spying on couples" she added, which kinda threw me..then the fun started, and i was "treated" to the spectacle of her having unprotected oral, anal and vaginal sex with nine that point i saw our car was surrounded, and fought my way through the crowd and back to the sanctuary of the interior..midway through describing to mrs dirty what i'd just seen, the lady in question tapped on her window.."would you like to join me out on the table" ? she asked..mrs d graciously declined, possibly influenced by the spectical of seeing a trickle of semen weeping down her inner seemed ironic that from her perspective, doggers were undesireable pests.
one thing i have witnessed, and it can be seen in the manner of posts on the board, is that the involvement factor has very much come to the wouls seem reasonable to assume, involvement wouldn't have been the assumption or expectation that it often is today, in the earlier it is rife, and people have definately become desensitized to films rarely depicted scenes of anal sex until relitively recently, now, often vaginal sex is featured only fleetingly..years ago, strip shows that featured audience participation, and by that, i mean intercourse, were a novelty, whereas now, they are a regular occurence..when models auditioned for photographers, topless only was an option, now full nude is increasingly demanded, and would be porno starlets, unless particularly beautiful, would get the job unless anal sex was acceptable.
more often these days, we show, only to be asked during or immediatly afterwards, is she up for fucking.."the master" in our absence, is often asked by regulars, who in other circumstances have no desire to aknowledge, or speak to us, "is she playing yet"?.the assumption being, its an often we say,"did we miss anything good earlier", only to be told "naa, not really, just a show" seems that with this desensitization, coupled with the removal of much of the fear element, that the dogging circus is now pervaded by an "attitude" that is much evident on the board..but then that is our perspective, from the point of view as a showcouple, who's status has declined in context of the gains to be had with the players.
regarding our change of play, well, we don't really have a problem with dogging as it is..we still show, we still find willing voyuers, we still love our venue and enjoy the company of great people..we aren't going to raise the level of our game, but are considering our market..when guys walk from our show muttering "waste of time" which they have, then evidently thats their problem and their wife's burdon..we don't advertise, we don't do arranged meets..but even at this level, we find sometimes our game is a little too manufactured..not the game, the way we play it..for us, our regular arena has become a fuck field, thats just the way it is..not the venues problem, nor the guys, the playing couples, the media or the net..its just how the place has we must rethink..for us, it will probably be a mixture of dogging as we now enjoy it, and maybe seeking out those little backwaters where the voyuer isn't neccesarily in on the "game" sort of retro-dogging lol
I am sorry but I think it bang out of order for any male to ask a couple "is she playing yet" or "is she up for fucking". If a couple give signals that they want to be watched that is how it should stay until or if you are ever asked if you would like to join in. If you are asked then fair enough but if you are not you should never assume you have a right to join in and be just happy with a "show" and then politely walk away after.
thing is alan..our venue is what i'd term, one of the "crazier" arenas..shows are very infrequent, whereas sexual involvement in wonder that the regulars have become "conditioned" by can be seen when a newbie showcouple arrive..if they manage to show, then invariably they are followed out by 12 cars, the assumption being, there is more on the menu, but at a more discreet location..this "attitude" might not be apparent at every venue, well i know from my own experience that it isn' can also be said that most would watch a show, but what percentage would be content? it can be seen often in the posts here, "willing to watch, participation would be nice, clean, 8 inch cock, ur rules" that another way of saying i'd like a fuck, but i'd watch if that was all you had to offer? don't think i have anything against guys that play alan, i haven't, all my dogging buddies are players given the oppertunity..its the increasing level of expectantcy i'm addressing here, thats all.. wink
reddog, ur posts are always interesting and for whether a couple would prefer you, having got to cyber know you, or as you was in your dogging infantcy, well, thats subjective..contrary to what we preach to advertisers, getting to know you via msn, email, webcam, phone or pics would actually put a nail in the coffin regarding us meeting you lol however, thats just us..playing couples would possibly have another agenda..its the same out in the field, guys want to talk to us, unaware that each word is making a show less likely and prolonged conversation an almost certainty :lol:
Warming the Bed
What an interesting read with so many different angles! I have not been into the scene for long (unlike my boyf) but we always advertise for couples only ( no offence single guys) because on every dogging outing every single man has been pushy and intimidating and acted like they have the right to do whatever they want to get their thrill regardless of what floats our boat - thats not to say u r all like that guys, we have probably just been unlucky - i think a lot of these guys wouldnt be at the venues if it wasnt for the internet and have ruined it for the 'good' guys. Sometimes we sit and chat for a while first and there is always some prick who flashes his lights about 50 times (obviously getting very frustrated - how dare we keep him waiting) so my boyf gets the hump and is like if u think putting on a show for u now mate u r wrong, then u get followed when u leave - the more they do it the more it winds u up and the more u want nothing to do with them. We went to a club same thing (but regulars said it was bad night and they werent behaving right) if we walked to the bar from the seating area a pack of hungry wolfs were close in pursuit - 2 paces or so - so the long and the short of it is - for us anyway - please dont get in our faces like its ur god given right to do whatever u want - its not and u only piss us off and makes us go elsewhere! hope no one takes offence just expressing my opinion

nobody will take offence, its your opinion, based on to take offence over wink
we would point out though, that we do always have choice..we have the choice to go out, we have the choice to show, or not, and we have the choice to is sometimes a little jading having to verbalise our choice not to involve others..
we use our venue by choice, eyes wide open, we know the score, so no complaints guys, in your words justine, were getting pushy and intimidating, thats because much of the risk, for them, is now removed..if you screamed "what are you doing, you fucking pervert, i'm calling the police" you would see an altogether humbler dogger before you? its a bit like an arcade shoot em up...thats the net, triedandtested is talking about the real battle, whereas we are seeking to simulate it with a game of paintball lol
Each to their own....................
As I've said to many guys.....if you're into morals, go to church and don't come to a carpark.
If there are a load of guys about a car...and a show, all you have to do to lose them is say: "seen them before mate...they only show, no action at all".....bye-bye to most of the crowd...most go at about 2230z anyway....gotta be home after a "drink with the guys"...back in for a while...the sar afternoon show is over....and bath ready for a long night...may go down norfolk way...and play with a blue light on my cars roof...that always gets them going....but not at 2mile....they'd all ignore it anyway ! (in any case, I haven't had enough time to prepare myself for the unbridled depravity and high-speed immorality there needs a weeks hard reading of total filth and several (rock) hard porn dvds' for that....)