Out of interest, have any of you recognised someone you know when you've been out dogging? Maybe a work colleague, a friend or even a relative! Or bumped into anyone you have met dogging whilst out shopping etc?
hi there
ive been bent over the car while sumone was takign me from behind
a guy came up and said thats gingerjo isnt it i reconise her tattoos off the pics off the net
so im famous lol
thanks jo x
yeah,happened to us one night!..we were talking to another couple and a single guy we know...we were spotted by a new couple,they parked up and joined us...the conversation got around to photos,and it was suggested the three girls do some modelling,which they willingly did...it wasn't until we saw the results however,that the penny dropped,the new faces lived down our road....bugger!
I can relate to this as I was chatting to a couple once in a swingers chat room and we arranged to meet that night. I went to the pub in question and who should walk in but a cousin of my then girlfriend. We had only met once but when my phone rang as per the arrangement and they saw that they had rang me we was both rumbled.
It as to be a great YES.... I went over to a car with two guys stood watching the action to find my very straight laced next door neighbours wife with another guy putting on a good show, and as I am married she just said I wont say anything if you dont ....
needless to say we look at each other in a different light now..........