Hi All who read this i went to the locations section on here and found a site near hayes advertiised so armed with a location i visited it last nite b4 work with a view to having a fun filled lunch hr (well hoping ) lol only to find when i got to the bridge there were two stonkin great big masts with cameras on ? and in such a remote area so my question's is ARE they operational ? does n e one still go there ? and finally is there n e other areas near there i could try ? hope some one can help n happy doggin all :-)
there masts to stop people dumping rubbish but agreed the site does look deserted
as for loocation read the dogging locations look up london and u will find where i mean:-) thx steve n sarah i guessed that was what the masts were for but wondered if fun still went on in the surrounding woods ? plse mail me n e one who knows or if u know of n e other locations v near to there thx again nsh.:-)
i normaly go and recky most dogging sites before i will take sarah to one with me i must admit the location is ideal for afternoon of evening fun but over the last month i have done about 7-8 visits for anywhere between 2-4 hours at a time all i have seen is daytime dog walkers and in the evening its dead as a grave and on inspection of the woods theres no tisus about no condoms or wrappers(normaly a giveaway for a dogging site)so i would say this either used to be a dogging site but not anymore or someone just listed it as an ideal location who knows
drove by last night to check this place out, was dead and spotted the large CCTV masts. I think there are better locations in the area than this for a bit of good old fashioned dogging action. lets get the scene in Middlesex up and swinging again!
We think we know the place you mean but havent been for eons. We have taken some lovely pictures at that C*****rd Park on the roundabout just off the M4/312. I know its locked at night now, but we had great fun during the day there, and its handy for Middlesex guys.
Yes I know what you're talking about...that's just to stop flytippers. I went down there a few afternoons in a row during summer. Deadstock...even went into the woods..found some great spots on the otherside of the trees (the bridge side). Any middx cpls planning anything send me a pm! I'll check out that C******d P site and see if anythinh exciting is happening there... : )
not going to mention the name cause it will get edited the site by the roundabout under the m4 has plain clothes police patroling it so be careful while down there in the afternoons
I think im just going to stick with my hotel meets! Its not about getting caught by old bill with your cock out! lol