hello 37 year old guy in the midlands w/c 28th november on a course
any couples or single women on here can help me out with locations
never really tried the area and i was wondering if its as much a hot bed of activity as the northwest
im five foot ten of medium build and w/e
all boundaries will be respected and adhered to
im 100% genuine and discreet
please get back to me
come on you midlands folk
do you not want to help me out here
or are you keeping all the fun to yourselves
thanks sue
i think i will have to get my map out
not really familiar with the area
Thats true Steph and i totaly agree with you hun, but to be fair whenever weve been to the fore mentioned areas weve never not once met another couple up there, mind when Andys been up there on his own he s seen a couple once but a long time ago..
Littlegirl xx
saying that, i was out at a leicester location last sunday (one of the 4 named locations)and i got to witness a guy and his wife. he actually approached me, didn't think he wanted to put on a show but he approached me and asked if i wanted to watch. so, if you use this site, cheers fella, twas a good night. so aybe these locations aren't dead after all.
but seriously, can anyone pm me with some decent locations in leicester cos i feel leicester dogging is becoming extinct!