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Hi Folks, just joined with some q's

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Forum Virgin
We are a couple, late 30's, from Peterboro, dabbled with the swinging scene for a few years now, but have always found the thought of dogging a real turn on.
I suppose its the thought that it's all chance, and there's something really slutty about performing for strangers.
We've been monitoring this forum for a few weeks now and aaprt from the rough ride some of you seem to give anyone new, there seems to be lots of pitfalls to dogging.
I seem to get the impression that more and more it's turning into arranged meets which sort of seems to defeat the object for me, thats just an extension of the swinging scene.
We would love some help in fulfilling our fantasies, any pointers as to how we might have a genuine dogging experience, without all the problems that seem to feature in so many threads.
Well I hope we haven't offended anyone, we would really appreciate some help here.
Bye for now.
E & S
hi guys, welcome to the board wink
firstly, i'll address the point you insinuated regarding the rough ride dished out to newbies, as its simply not true, but nethertheless, a common misconception. most free sites of a similar nature to this applaud bullshit, because everyone wallows knee deep in the stuff.,as a result, people that are serious about the lifestyle, having discovered swingingheaven, choose to find sanctuary here, and justifiably defend the boards against the daily onslaught of fantasists and fast flange fixated such threads are ignored, some recieve a little reality check, but never attacked, simply for being a newbie..many such members are well recieved when an introductory post has enough substance to warrant a welcome.
ok, onto dogging lol it would appear, from the board, that increasingly, couples choose to have their fun via arranged meets. its an evolution of sorts, facilitated by the internet and encouraged by some guys who neither have the time nor inclination to dogg in the traditional manner..however, this "appearance" is often just that, an illusion. most couples who favour the "erotic chance encounter" have no need for the internet, although a small percentage, ourselves included, use it for casual discussion such as this..there were no threads pertaining to arranged meets at our regular venue last night, but there were eight couples out playing nonetheless.
as for your swinging background, well that will offer certain advantages no doubt. we meet many couples from such a background, and most find dogging, without its veil of security, to be a completely different kettle of fish to what they imagined. many such couples envisage carpark erotisism to be a quaint diversion to what they percieve to be the "real thing", but then again, many discover that dogging carries with it a "buzz" that cannot be achieved in an organised and formal envioronment. each to their own.
if you seek a genuine dogging experience devoid of the problems, then may i suggest this? ask the guys local to your area, to pm you with details of carparks, not known for nocturnal deviants such as ourselves. the point being, they take a gamble to sit it out in said carpark for the evening. you may recieve several such pm's, therefore giving you the option to visit whichever, knowing there will be at least one willing dogger anticipating some action. the "pitfalls" such as boy-racers, police and pushy types will be unlikely to fact that the carpark isn't an accepted playground will give you several psychological advantages, and erradicate the assumption aspect that phases most newbies..its only an option of course, and it may carry its own problems. neither would it be an arranged meet of any sort, you need pass no details regarding yourselves, other than you might be out that night, before midnight for example, the carpark you have just been told about, may, or may not be one you visit.
of course, you might just choose to "suck it and see".. yeah yeah, i can see the pun, but did you really think i'd stoop that low? yeah, ok, i would :lol: we have done some of the sites in your area, and will probably do so again, so maybe see you around. :wink:
Hello E & S
Welcome to SH
I have to say the real reason that I am advertising at the moment is that my funds can no longer cover my petol guzzling trips to various dogging sites. sad
That said, if you want a hand in getting started out dogging just give me a shout and I can share my location knowledge with you after a swift half at a pub so I can check you are legitimate (and vice versea) before we move onto more interesting venues.
Best wishes
Harry Jones
Welcome to the boards (oh and bonjour harry m8) havent seen u much since chelmsford social.
I think the problem ur describing with the newbies is partly that sometimes their sense of humour gets misinterpreted but the regs aren't nasty just protective of on the whole a very good site with a lot of nice members. Other than that yes a few of em r numpties and deserve the aggro lol
As for the dogging bit i know exactly what you're saying and i think in all honesty its just horses for courses. You need to find out all you can from others ideas and extract the best bits for your own particular needs ((((ooooooer custom dogging!!!!!!!!!!)))) surprised
Anyway i'm always up for a meet if you wanna pretend we havent arranged anything i wont put it in me diary and will just turn up somewhere else.........i must stay out the sun i'm losing the plot confused
Andy xxx
Forum Virgin
Back from two weeks of sea, sun and sex, tanned and raring to go, still jetlagged hence the early hour.
Thanks guys for your informative replies, especially dirtydoggers.
We are going to try and lose our "virginity" Tuesday night and prob take the middle ground between an arranged meet and just random luck.
We are a cpl , late 30's, both slim and attractive so if your up for some fun Tuesday eve in the Peterborough area we'd love to get a PM from you.
Hi E&S
I just want to say be careful, I was at P'boro friday night and where I was some kids came in and started setting off fireworks. Not funny and I soon left.
I'm afraid I can't do Tuesday night (have a good one) but get in touch if you are going out again.
Harry Jones
Forum Virgin
Thanks for the warning Harry, we will be careful.
Come on guys ( and couples ) , some of you must be free tomorrow nite, we have been getting very horny thinking about it over the weekend. All PM's will be answered.
Warming the Bed
u have a pm
Hi wildcambscpl, just wanted to say a big welcome to the site and really hope you have loads of fun. I will also reiterate what the others have said around giving 'newbies' an hard time. I dont think we do, we just get a bit fed up seeing all the one liners from people who have joined the site day, tell us nothing about themselves but do a very short post asking for meets, usually cause they are bored! When they dont get the 100's of replies they are expecting then they start moaning and say that no-one is genuine! Ok, not all newbies do that, most of them do nice sensible, friendly posts like yours, and they get nice replies. So again, welcome and have fun!
As for Mr D's suggestion about the advert, well, I certainly think that is a good idea. We are a showing couple who dont normally do pre-arranged meets. We like the mystery of going out, not knowing if there will be someone around, not knowing who we will meet! If there is no-one around, then we just get on with it and have fun on our own, knowing that there is still the chance we could get caught! We have been having a few problems at our usual sites with police visiting every 30 mins or so, and with the youngsters looking for people to torment, so we may try Mr D's suggestion at some point!!!
Good luck with your first meet and looking forward to reading many of you future posts!
hiya and welcome to the site wildcambscpl biggrin
nice to see someone abit closer to me on here, im affraid i cant make it in the week much at this time off year as im busy with work,but sometimes im able to get ur way but alsas not this tuesday evening :cry: i know harry and he is a true gent so you wont go far wrong with him (hes one of the good guys on here) mr dirty and of course mrs dirty are very genuine people sound advice they give so you wont go far wrong with them either. oh and not forgetting wigan either also sound advice from them,anyway you will get to know the good ones and the not so good ones on a site like this just be aware you will get time wasters as on all sites, so dont let it put you off ,have lots of fun and i will be looking out for anymore posts that you put on and hope that i can get to meet you one day.
dont forget im only a pm away if you need any advice.
Flipping eck Wildcambscpl, you only been here a week and you already got two of the nicest guys on here after meeting you lol :lol: :lol:
Forum Virgin
Thanks guys for all the kind words, we are just about organised for tonight, no more PM's pls guys, but I'm sure they'll be a next time.
Will let you all know how it go's, I am am going to be so horny today at work.....!
E & S
Hi everyone i have just joined the site and wish i had joined a few days earlier then maybe i could have met up with you in peterborough seeing that i am only down the road.. :cry:
well i hope to meet up with some of you lovely people sometime and keep having fun
This is Moi