do you ever look back and think,how on earth did we get into this lifestyle?...i mean,its not like you visit a carpark at midnight,see a load of guys tugging themselves and think,"bloody hell,this is what i've been looking for"! it happened for us is this...our attention was brought to a newspaper article on rag was a national,but the location was one we we had never heard of dogging,the article described men shuffling furtively through the woods,whilst couples had sex in cars!!..."what,i've got to have a look at this" i said,"well if you are going,so am i" replied mrs dirty...on arrival,predictably,it was like the kin M25,but we were the only couple,ooops,bad timing!!..however,we did park up,and all hell broke loose!! just descended on us,doggers were appearing out of the ground,we were outa there!!...then,over a year later,i was having a conversation with a guy,"you want to go to so and so,theres some weird stuff going on there at night,i can tell you"! so happened,the place he was talking about,was about four miles from the one we had visited,but heard,subsequently had been shut conjured up the same curiosity in me,the rest is history!!
aawwww,blue,someone,help me!!..i've shot my load too early,got a bit excited,just put my finger on it,and it went off,aarrrg,what a mess!....i wanted to add..."through conversation,friends"...and "or other"........oh,what does it matter,it'll probably go down like mrs dirty on a chocolate covered beaver lever anyway.
bloody hell,i knew this would happen,i'm a laughing stock!.i'm going into ignore this tread,just hope it goes away,knew i shouldn't have done a poll,gggrrr,if twats could fly,i'd be a wing commander!!!......naughty wigan,you like me,write something to take the emphasis off my cock-up please,hurry though...
thanks guys,for giving this thread a semblance of credability!!.i must admit,i'm finding these responses a bit of a turn on,which although wasn't the intention,is an unexpected bonus!!.ha ha,ooooh,oh no,not again,messy bugger.
Purely by accident I found that a place I liked to frequent just to get away from the world was very popular. Whilst part had a scenic view of the south coast and France, the other part of the car park seemed more popular.
Went to investigate and found something which appealed to the voyeur in me. As I have a high sex drive anyway, it al just clicked.
It wasn't until I talked to some doggers that I discovered the term and some other places. Always on the look out for more too...