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We all know how to attract people (lights etc) but are there any signs to get rid of people you are not interested in?
This might sound a bit harsh, but just tell them your not interested and to leave you alone!
However, they may say why are you out dogging if you dont want attention, but I think I understand were you are coming from, as there are a couple of guys at our regular place who we do not like being around us, just give me the creeps, so we just stop playing as soon as they turn up. If they dont get the message I tell them to sod off. Normally Mr NWC just shakes his head in disbelief at me wink
the only ones I know are old traditional ones..such as the two fingered one fingered bird. or the winding of the window down and verbal abuse being delivered in a clear and consise manner.... most descrete doggers will take a subtle waving away and leave you to it...and the idiots who don't respond to any of the above are prob best driving off helps.....
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
However, they may say why are you out dogging if you dont want attention, but I think I understand were you are coming from, as there are a couple of guys at our regular place who we do not like being around us, just give me the creeps, so we just stop playing as soon as they turn up. If they dont get the message I tell them to sod off. Normally Mr NWC just shakes his head in disbelief at me wink

:P A girl after my own heart Mrs NWC :wink:
Jon will tell them sometimes, but usually I don't give him the chance lol
We recently had a guy watching us from across the other side of a car park, sitting inside his car with a nightscope on his head rolleyes
When several doggers called across to him to turn it off because it was disturbing me and he refused, I marched naked across the car park and had a *quiet* word with him . . . .
He soon drove off in a hurry :wink:
No need to be rude or abusive. Most times, the guys will leave when asked to do so if you make it plain you don't want their attentions :wink:
We have not encountered that problem as of yet and find single doggers are shy at first when invited.
However should the need arise i am certain mrs shad would send a warning shot across the car park, and that would be the end of that. lol
we had one in particular that kept turning up whenever we was out, just the way he jumped out of the car straight away, where he stood, not discreet like stalking a prey but right there! he's stance and the way he looked at us, a fixed stare.........arghhhhh!
then one day I (mrs out) open the window and said sorry we're just having a coffee and nothing is going to happen today! a few seconds later he came out of his trance... appoligised and said he would be off and wouldn't bother us.
now the way he said it, he came over in a tottally different way to what we had perceived him to be!
we haven't seen him since and that was nine months ago, so if your out there, do a few things differently and you will be lucky, perhaps
that means we need a flask of coffee heheheehehe
all these messages are so welcoming
but the naked walk over well i am not sure im up for that yet lol
thanks all
jaky xxxxxxx
Quote by hillsman
the only ones I know are old traditional ones..such as the two fingered one fingered bird. or the winding of the window down and verbal abuse being delivered in a clear and consise manner.... most descrete doggers will take a subtle waving away and leave you to it...and the idiots who don't respond to any of the above are prob best driving off helps.....

Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
This might sound a bit harsh, but just tell them your not interested and to leave you alone!
However, they may say why are you out dogging if you dont want attention, but I think I understand were you are coming from, as there are a couple of guys at our regular place who we do not like being around us, just give me the creeps, so we just stop playing as soon as they turn up. If they dont get the message I tell them to sod off. Normally Mr NWC just shakes his head in disbelief at me wink

if the above doesnt work try brandishing a pair of scissors confused
LOL OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! redface surprisedops: :oops:
Quote by jakyladycple
but the naked walk over well i am not sure im up for that yet lol
jaky xxxxxxx

Well it wasn't actually totally naked . . . . I did have my stockings and sussies on . . . and a pair of shoes :lol2:
well eat sprouts it works but if someone is down there whan you let one of might be pissed lol
hi , last nite ,i came across a cple (later to find out they were meandhernotts) bieng a single guy i gave them some grt about 15 mins seeing as we were the only ones on the resevior . i opened my car car door which lights up like blackpool illuminations lol ,knowing they saw me and made no effort to avoid a contact i slowely walked were allowing me to watch when another car pulled into the circle and parked right next to the cpls car and walked straight cple asked me to tell the guy to please leave us alone, seeing as they only wanted one at the guy took no notice and continued to be totaly selfish as to the cpls the end the guy from the cple got out their car and a bellowing" now fuck off did the trick".
so im afraid the only way to avoid the uninvited dogger is to be straight and let them know your wishes limits .
I would like to say a massive thank you to meandhernotts for the most fantastic show and interaction.
So take heed fellow single doggers be Polite Patient and Show Respect to your potential hosts .
hope this helps all
Just drive away - works every time.
I have seen people crowding, shining torches, trying door handles, unbelievable stuff.
Getting out and confronting them will usually work but what if they are slightly crazy ?
It's not worth the risk - driving away removes the whole issue and they get the message real quick.
Admittedly it pisses off the genuine and considerate ones, but quite frankly they aren't the ones who are getting the unwanted attention are they ?
Quote by marriedmale
Just drive away - works every time.
I have seen people crowding, shining torches, trying door handles, unbelievable stuff.
Getting out and confronting them will usually work but what if they are slightly crazy ?
It's not worth the risk - driving away removes the whole issue and they get the message real quick.
Admittedly it pisses off the genuine and considerate ones, but quite frankly they aren't the ones who are getting the unwanted attention are they ?

we agree..its often the best option..public carparks, by definition are public spaces, and legally, you have no right to personal space..of course, you have the option of gratuitous voilence..that works too lol .naturally, telling someone to piss off will have a desired effect, but a disgruntled dogger could report you for outraging public decency if he were so inclined.?(unlikely, and assuming you are playing obviously) :lol: ).often weilding a digi-camera has a dogger dispersing effect..but leaving, then returning later is usually a better solution, in our experience...dogging doughnuts are notoriously impatient..that impatience sends them clinging to your door as soon as the handbrake is applied, and its the same impatience that will see them spinning out of the venue after a ten minute wait, muttering about timewasters and prickteasers.
i'm still trying to get my head around redhot's tactic... :shock: .i'll run through it again...right, how to get rid of a dogging male...stand in front of him wearing nowt but stockings and suspenders, then ask him to go away..yeah, i can see how that works :grin:
As a Single Guy it's very easy to get it wrong and misread a situation.
So what I would say to couples is that a polite "Just want other couples mate" will see the sensible, respectful guys disappear and not hassle you don't need to say anymore like, sorry mate, you're to old/fat/scruffy/small
Of course if someone is annoying, acting like a twat and persistent, then treat them with the disrespect they deserve.
It cuts both ways.
I drove into a well known and well populated site one night, parked about ten yards away from a car and the next thing (and I mean seconds!!) the bloke gets out and goes apeshit confused
I said "Hang on, I've only just arrived" He said "We're waiting for friends, We're not perverts and you can **** off!!"
I said, "That's funny, I've seen your car at three other sites nearby, on three separate nights. Are you having trouble finding them? They must be really late wink " :twisted:
He wasn't impressed.
I later found out from some other couples I know well that that particlular couple have never indulged in problem with that, everyone to thier own, but don't have a pop at me for nothing.
So the story goes, the blokes into it and his missus ain't which kinda begs the question, why drag her along, poor girl sad
My point is, live and let live and if we all treat each other with respect then we'll all find what we're looking for........well, providing we know what it is in the first place biggrin
A tale .....
There is a dogging site near to me called 'The Nature Trail' (No location - only those that know it will 'know' it).
One evening last summer, there was a car parked up with a couple in it, and clearly going at it 'hammer and tongues'. I had never seen the car before and thought it strange that a 'new' couple would be so daring, although they were in a secluded part, so maybe they were from another area and had heard about this place.
There were no other couples present at the time, but a few single guys milling around, and had spotted the car. I guess their mis-interpretation caused what happenend next .....
Rather than adopting a considerate, approach slowly, let the couple know you're there and wait for acknowledgement / whatever, they charged in (literally walking through brambles and bushes) and proceded to peer through the windows. From where I was sat in my car, I clearly heard the woman scream, followed by coitus interruptus and then a huge bellow.
The guy burst out of the car, and chased these guys across the fields. Luckily they had the sense to clear off at the first scream. He was about 6'6" and built like the proverbial sh*thouse. I'm pretty sure if he had caught them, he would have torn limbs off them all.
Once it was clear that they wanted to live more than he wanted to catch them, he returned to the car, shouted "F@*%ing Perverts" into the trees / fields and wheelspun away into the evening.
So.... maybe they were an innocent couple (not doggers) or maybe they didn't like the approach, but it goes to show that the wrong approach WILL cause trouble for someone.
Incidentally, if it was anyone from this site, I was the guy in the silver MG, who remained sat in his car ! I won't apologise for those guys either - they weren't regulars.
The funny thing is, it was about half an hour before any of them were brave enough to return to their cars....... and I haven't seen them again either.
Having a female dogger is quite a good deterrent too - puts some of the males right off approaching as it confuses the hell out of them! wink