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How Long Have You Been Dogging

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I started visiting the carparks etc when I was 18yrs old
that was 16yrs ago yes that makes me 34yrs old.
about 4 months, but i've got the feeling i could be going for a very long time in future :P
chris x
Keep It up < excuse the pun >
taken tongue in cheek (ditto lol)
chris x
i have been visiting car parks in my area on and off for a few years, although only recently have i been trying to get involved.
Most of the forums i have been on in the past have been very clique and so getting involved i have found to be impossible.
Hi, my fiancee Lyndz has been into dogging for three years & ive been into it for about four months now & ive got her to thank for it rotflmao
Mark & Lyndz xx
Well my first time dogging was about this time last year, I used to go maybe once every few months when I got really bored. I never really saw anything, but just used to enjoy the peace and quiet in the dead of night. I sort of stopped over the winter and presumed that everyone else did because on the rare occation that I went out no one else was around. I started going out more regularly this summer and joined this site a few weeks ago and things have gotten alot more interesting since.
I started hanging around parks and woods known to be gay cruising spots a bit less than 20 years ago... I'm only 33 now, so work out the maths yourself redface . When I first found these places, I wasn't going for sex, I was attracted to them cos they looked "interesting"...... well, OK, dangerous, the ropes hanging from the trees fasinated me and the porn I regularly found in the bushes turned me on :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . In short, it was a buzz just being there, and when I got a regular boyfriend (when I was about 17), even though we went and did the shagging in the woods thing, I never got the same buzz as I did when I was out by myself.
But that's not dogging, that was my own personal play time :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . Dogging in cars, I haven't been doing that long.... maybe a couple of years.... but it nowhere near the same buzz as I used to get in the park all those years ago.