I went out last night, not on the off chance as usual but to something pre-arranged. I've only arranged meets a couple of times in the past, as have the couple concerned so it was a different feeling to normal "will they, won't they" times spent in car parks.
As the couple were passing through my area, we arranged to meet at a place I know and I was careful not to get earlier than the agreed time so they had time to get in the mood first. Being parked 5 mins down the road knowing what someone is likely to be doing while waiting for you is always fun, my mind tends to run riot so perhaps they weren't swinging from the tree branches naked after all :lol:
So, start the engine and off I go, down the lanes by the fields and heading for "the spot" - it's pretty dark and easy to miss if you don't know it. It also has width restrictions that are so narrow most drivers crawl through them and breathe in - a godsend for couples covering up as you can also see car lights for a good distance too!
Safely through the resitrictions, I turn off my headlights and drive slowly in, scanning the dim car park - I spot the car I'm looking for and no others (hooray!) so I slowly head in their direction, parking close enough so they know it's me and kill the engine. Now comes the part I love, they know I'm there but they've obviously been enjoying themselves and I can make out movements in the car - it's too dark for me to see clearly but naked bits always catch what little light there is. I peer out into the night and get that tingly feeling I always get, even though this has been arranged I still feel like I've caught them in the act and sit very still, not wanting to disturb them. I don't rush to get out of the car - I simply wind my window down and watch, smiling as I catch sight of a certain movement and know exactly what's going on.
Finally, after what seems like an age (10 mins at most I think!) I get out of the car and close the door quietly, quickly covering the short distance to their car. The window comes down a little and I am treated to the lovely sight of a woman giving her husband a blowjob that he's obviously enjoying......for me, it's not just about what a couples lets me see but it's also the sounds I can hear. Every moment was enjoyable and I 'm sure you can all imagine the rest!
I got really lucky meeting this couple, especially because like me (and a lot of others) they're not ones for small talk until later on. I told them I'd post this and they were happy to be named, but on reflection this morning, that could have been the buzz talking :lol:. So I'm just going to say a huge THANK YOU to this fantastic couple and if they want to acknowledge it publicly, they can because god knows, they made my night!

So, for anyone who ever says nothing ever happens - it does, you just need patience, persistence and an element of luck!