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For the more longer served internet doggers outthere you may recognise this acroynym from a long running group. (I bet Jomu knows it - in fact Jomu are you rotty in disguise?)
Anyway its stands for:
I Am A Single Bloke And I Want A Shag.
and is used to describe the kind of messages which seem to be appreaing on the forum a lot of late.
Is it me or are we all getting tired of the scenario where a bloke finds the site signs up and then posts a message asking "where all the sites are", "where the action is" or states "he is going to be at a location at 10 past 3 this afternoon so PM him if you want some action" and then replies 20 mins later asking "where are the takers are" when low and behold his hand isnt bitten off?
It may be me (I am feelin grouchy this morning and also Stigvensons lil quip in the thread relating to Richmond got my goat, as the thread was a bit of an example of this)
Anyway what do people think to the idea of new registratants being unable to post to the forums for say 7 days after they sign up as a mechanism to ease some of this. Would a "cooling off period", literally, in some blokes cases, help?
Also Im targetting the blokes here, but I know there are some "couples" that post in a similar way, but I suspect they are blokes in any case.
God I am in a grouch....apologies all.
hmm, having just read the thread that rattled your cage, i understand where you are coming from. as for taking advise from jomu, regarding getting lucky, i'm unsure..he has recently been threatned with violence, had his windscreen smashed twice and every show he has seen in the last six months has been fucked up lol
your points are very valid of board almost went into inner core meltdown recently, and is teetering on the edge now..the guys were screaming out to have their cocks sucked, into a dark deep gothic void..nobody was there to hear the crys, there was nothing there for couples to stay for :lol:
the manner of posting is a reflection of the status the guys imagine they have..many couples aren't what they say, you are correct, but a couple can post a one liner and recieve ten " you have pm" replies..maybe a black guy with a twelve inch dick can do the same, he fits into a fantasy niche market which affords him a higher status in the pecking/pecker order of the dogging hierarcy.
as for the others, well, thats up to them..the majority are grains of sand on a very long beach..
:lol: :lol:
I have seen posts like you speak about Phuturetek. They annoy me a lot too. I am just getting into this site and what goes on up and down the country amazes me but above all turns me on so so much. These people who post just make people less likely to go through with a fantasy they may have dogging swinging etc etc and that affects us patient genuine people.
Hope what I have posted makes sense?
Yep. A cooling-off period could work. But an asshole is still an asshole 7 days later.
Sorry, I don't mean to be flippant but in the example you cite, you will still have the idiot moaning after 20 minutes.
What if they cannot bump their own threads in the Dogging section? Or if the Dogging section is split like the ads into couples seeking..., etc. and single males cannot post unless looking for other males?
I am not techie-aware enough to know if this is possible.
Unfortunately, there is no real fix to this. I am concerned about the physical abuse that has been suffered as reported above and hope that the individual is OK.

no no, it was tongue in cheek lol of course jomu is ok, he'll always weather the storm, he is a trooper..plenty of people would like to do his screen, thats why we love him so much :lol: those experiences are jomu's, not yours, for you, unless you have been threatned, punched or arrested there is no reality in it except the entertainment it provides in the reading, don't concearn yourself with it wink
Similar threads to this have been done loads of times and it never gets us anywhere. I remember ranting and raving about the one liners, calling all the idiots who joined the site and expected a quick shag. I also remember a few of the now 'regulars' who posted some very iffy first posts and after a little 'gentle' leg pulling, they very soon realised that it was not going to get them anywhere and they soon learned to contribute in a proper manner (god, I hope no-one reads my first post) lol
So what is the answer? Leave them to their one liners I suppose. Let them post again 20 mins later asking why no-one as replied. Before long they will get the hint and either learn to be more grown up about it all, or run off and find another site to spam.
Its fairly easy to see the single doggers who have 'potential' to be genuine people, even by reading the one liners, the rest, leave them to it I say (or take the mikey with some sarcy reply :lol: )
At the end of the day we are all here to enjoy ourselves, some for the dogging fun, others for swinging and some just for the great people we chat to on here. Live and let live I say, and if we dont like the one liners, ignore them! Their loss not ours!
Quote by NWfunguy
What if they cannot bump their own threads in the Dogging section? Or if the Dogging section is split like the ads into couples seeking..., etc. and single males cannot post unless looking for other males?
I am not techie-aware enough to know if this is possible.
Unfortunately, there is no real fix to this. I am concerned about the physical abuse that has been suffered as reported above and hope that the individual is OK.

How would that help though? it would just end up with no-one looking in there and there are plenty of single people here who are genuine doggers or genuinely want to become a dogger. The options are:
a) rip the p out of everyone and see if they persist long enough (like getting into Tyler Durden's house in Fight Club - the first rule of dogging, no one talks about locations lol )
b) ignore them until they go away or start to involve themselves in conversations with other members, thus weeding out the chancers (but ignoring the fact that not everyone comes here for the chat)
c) Work up renewed patience (which I think most of us have lost lately) and persist in advising them
d) New forum rules whereby posts can't complete submission unless they contain a minimum number of words! :lol:
A and B are not very nice solutions but ones most members are being driven to, C is (as Mrs NWC said) what was being done before and D may be beyond the capacity of some :twisted:
I can't see any reason to segregate people into more catgeories, doesn't SH exist because that already happens too much generally? Nothing any of us say will change things, clearly the people who are posting one liners and spamming on an hourly basis/cross forum don't bother reading anything except their own posts any way.....haven't you noticed that there were several people who all live near each other asking the same question and not talking to each other? hilarious! biggrin
Such messages as that are deleted from the group....and the sender dumped...
As for unlucky.....ONE windscreen (dogging) and one sidewindow (lowlife) in over 30 years ?
Lets BJ last night complete with nipple-sucking-from-heaven....another BJ the end of last week....several shows the week before...about average really.....plans are being made for the lowlife to be caught (I want my tools back)
Oh, and one MBB ejected from the layby (the lorry driver got peed with the up-and-down, so stoned the car....)
now that IS lucky :thumbup:
surely the problem will sort itself out.
after one or two posts with little or no response surely they will give up....or better still change the way they post and the things they say....if not...the mods can sort it out

just check surreyswinger04's previous lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We shouldnt heap greater and greater amounts of admin on the site leaders just to deal with the assholes that irritate . As said in the thread ignoring them is effective .
Its just a shame my awards for worthless posts never caught on , as a dose of humiliation often hastens the exit of the terminally dense or impatient .
Nemind , its probably cos im such a miserable git , and everyone else is so forgiving and feel guilty for a few weeks before they moan :-)

your idea was great, and i would loved to have played, but i'm such a thick fat fucking twat, i couldn't work out how to put certificates up..mrs dirty once read one of my posts and said "so, you think you have the mind of a computer, do you"? then proceeded to punch some information into me..
this year, i would like to put some of our dogging pics up, but i haven't got a camera, i haven't got a scanner nor a printer, i mean, what a loser lol
Gotta be said mate , if you aint got the time to learn it all , means you probably have a life !
and you get to see Mrs Dirty all the time , so dont really give a shit about pictures LOL.
As a newbie, and hopefully a sensible one at that, would it not be possible to steal an idea from a site many people should be familiar with - eBay?
eBay allows a purchaser to rate his experience in dealing with a seller. Whilst I appreciate this forum houses only a fraction of the people out there engaging in "dogging", it makes sense (in my warped brain anyway), to perhaps allowing some form of rating system?
An example may help explain. Anyone using the forum has PM facilities and of course their email address from which the account has to be authorised in the first place.
Let's say Couple A arrange to meet Single Guy A and Single Guy B. A happy experience had by all. Single Guy A leaves a calling card with their forum username. After the event he PM's Couple A since only the real Single Guy can do this (this prevents people using other people's ID's)...Couple A can then rate the experience on the site for all to see.
This doesn't stop the deluge of crappy posts although newbie's posting just to watch I think is somewhat better than those expecting a free shag...BUT....what it would do is inspire a little confidence. For couples, they can judge single guys based on previous ratings. For the guys, their behaviour has an onward impact...
Probably a totally shit idea, but thought I'd mention it anyway....
I think it's been discussed in depth, lasy year maybe? but general consensus was that it's too open to being abused.