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Interior light guilt

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I had to pull over into a layby tonight as I needed to make a call....pulled up, switched the headlights off and then turned the interior light on to look at my phone. The minute the interior of the car was lit up I thought "What if someone thinks I'm here for dogging?"
Am I obssessed? lol
Quote by thedukereid
That's something I've noticed.... places that when I first started going too just seemed like nice country carparks full of normal people are now so obviously teeming with sex crazed perverts

Oi! Now you sound as if you're writing an article for the Sun rolleyes
Anyway, we like being perverts :grin: wink
congratulations i have just given you the job. :thumbup:
sex crazed pervert ,come on can you do the job or not.
Quote by thedukereid
Which job?
Tabloid journo, or sex crazed pervert?
Can it be the last one??? pleeease???

Though you already were the last one. After all it takes one to know one and you seemed to have no trouble recognising us . . . wink :grin:
ok michael (sunday name) pick your position and dont forget to put on your interior light
and keep eye out for serendipity , lets all perv together
know what you mean micheal we travel down to notts or to donny for our fun, but you never know prob bump into you one day.
if we ever find ourselves in herts/london will give you and seredipity a shout , just to make sure you doing your job properly of course wink
Quote by KISSING K
know what you mean micheal we travel down to notts or to donny for our fun, but you never know prob bump into you one day.
if we ever find ourselves in herts/london will give you and seredipity a shout , just to make sure you doing your job properly of course wink

yes kissing k why don`t well have a run down there in our white vans to see if they are doing there jobs propely..................if not we can show them how its done xxx
we can have a doggers convoy...with my offical sticker in my window i can travel in style........offical durex testing veichle.... :wink: lol cool :wink:
So while you were there serendipity, did you think "Blow it, I may as well lift my skirt up and show a bit of upper thigh". Just a little charity for those in need.
Lovely legs you have miss.
Sorry SS, they're not my legs (I wish they were!!)....I chose them as I felt they represented my personality, a bit saucy, a bit naughty and quite erotic (and I loved the shoes!!)
Tell me about it Serendipity.
I'm not always dogging when I find a place to park up. Sometimes it's just an escape from the world, where I can be on my own with my thoughts, the radio and a good book.
Funny how the guilt of having a light on gnaws away at me.
Been called a pervert by a few boy racers in the past, whilst doing nothing more than reading.
Good job they aren't always around I guess...
Quote by carparkfun
Been called a pervert by a few boy racers in the past, whilst doing nothing more than reading.

I hope you were reading something worthy of being called a pervert for!