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HI there just need some advice really. new to the site and i have just joined up.
basically im close to a dogging location called shirley hills in south east london and over the last few months it has got very dead and im wondering where all the doggers have gone? is dogging finished because of police and people are not bothering no more? or has all the regulars changed there location.. the nearest location to shirley hills is streatham but not much action there. so im thinking what has happened could someone leave me some advice.
thanks smile
thanks for all you advice.. nice to see how friendly people are on this site.
i'll deffently be using this site again
yes mate look at all the advice, bet uve learnt a thing or two!!!
ermm if i was near u id try n help!!
but due to all the advice uve already had doubt ud need mine anyways!!
good luck
Shirley Hills is close to me too... and the last time I went my night was ruined with guys who just don't know how to show respect. It was almost frightening... but I will be going again sometime soon. wink
Streatham is the last place I would go as it's long been a prime target for prostitutes as well as coppers trying to stop them.
I have heard Clapham is picking up... but only through this forum so you'd have to wade back through the threads.
ha ha the hills??.. well i went there a while ago... only i never knew until after that i wasn't in actual fact there. i was else where near by and there was a bit of action .. not much at all though!.. the night made me chuckle though.
thanks for the advice.. i might take a trip up top clapham soon see what going on up there iv heard quite alot about it.. not sure what it is use by tho. is it mosty gays? or couples?
im still going to give shirley hills another try as itis my local. hope it picks up as the weather gets better. last year is was packed.
well im gona give shirley hills another try 2night if anyone is going up there and i will probally have a quick look at the streatham and clapham dogigng location aswel.. hope to meet up with any off the site.