haven't a clue what you on about but try j6 maybe u will be lucky
you havent said which motorway and your profile says fuck all . So we havent a scoobies what the fuck yer asking .
Come come now, if I had been more specific I would have been frozen or pillaried for being specific!!!!
There is a location that is well known as J5 that Silky and G frequent, those that know the area will know the site.
Is it a lose lose prospect posting if you are not one of the 'chosen few' regulars??
There appears to be a lack of tolerance to newish people that are trying to post what they see as sensible topics. I am not trying to upset or offend anyone but I have seen several threads locked or deleted when people have tried to join in.
Maybe the regulars should help newer people to post within acceptable parameters rather than jump all over them.
I have only ever seen the J5 M40 site refered to as J5, I apologise if there are other sites also refered to as this, but I was just trying to participate. Give me a break!!!!!
I will stop this thread now before I do post somthing that I will regret.