Went to Kingswood for the first time the other week and after grounding the car on the entrance to the car park was confronted by travellers who had made thier home passing a few days later I noticed they were gone so returned later with the wife and before stopping the headlights of other parked cars lit up the seconds it was a playground for Fiesta,s and Corsa,s. Needless to say we have,nt been back but found another location be interested to know if anyone else has had the same problem there or was it just an isolated case.
hi i had the same problem at kingswood i lived in doncaster when i was younger and still have family there so i am in the area alot but i havent found anywhere interesting yet let me know if you know of any good locations or if you fancy meeting up somrtime thanx
hi i,ve been there a few times with my truck and had 1 cupl come in all night but i,ve found after 9pm its empty no 1 comes in its dead 4 the rest of the night n sometimes when im passing i say should i go n park there but nothing happen's its just a waist of time but would like to know were theres anywere else to go around there n if i can put my warm truck in there so if any cupl come in they can come in my truck n keep warm n have sum fun lol but never had any problem with boy racers i go past there every wk if your intrested just pm me lol hope 2 here from you soon....
We are strugling to find places in South Yorkshire,
nothing happening at Clumber or Cuswoth either. Where is it happening now?
Please send a PM
S & J xx
heres a clue,flying planes,work it out and you will know when ur in the right place down a dead end lane,hope this helps
Sorry to be alarmist, but Doncaster police are actively discouraging dogging.
I was at a certain place where horses go the other night with my girlfriend. We were just getting going with our audience, when a police car drove up (luckily the drive to this place is nearly a mile long, so we were all descent). The police took our car reg and warned us that if we were seen again parked up with other cars around, they would be forced to report us.
This place is well away from housing, but because there had been reports of damaged vehicles they were looking again at the possible areas of conflicts between couples and certain boy racers.
It seems to me and my girlfriend that people should avoid advertising the place, but use email to be specific.
Good luck dogging.
police active at kingswood as well.
samanthajimmy pm me and i will give you better places that are safe in and around donny ish
Yeah weve seen signs fer that Mal !!
In Sussex we had to drive through a village called Blackboys, to get to Studley :-)
that reminds me of a village i used to drive past called Wetwang....
anyway a 'friend' and i were up at Bawtry the other week, no action and we drove around the place where 'planes take off' and could find nowt, she got a bit bored, anyone PM me the correct place to go and hopefully she will give me another chance.
on ur way to skegness theres a street called fanny hands way got the sign fromit in the attick at me dads couldent resist it lol
what about the place in cumbria called
and there is a pub there called
TRUE !! seen it for myself
Cumwell Lane in Hellaby, Rotherham :twisted:
We was out and about last friday we also went up to KW bugger all in there(apart from shouting yobos hiding in the woods calling us gays cant work that one out when there was me and the wife sat there)we scapered off at high speed as weve heard they throw stones at the cars, then we headed for the Rc and got collared by the old bill, not to be put off we then headed for the place where theres lots of planes but couldnt find anything so we ended back at home a very dissapointing night we if anyone can enlighten us as to where you go in donny and the surrounding area we will be most grateful, in a pm thogh please not on the forums. Thanks
Hehhehe we love a bit of DD :-)
Reminds us of a jaunt up to Cr@?*ly Hill once where there is a particularly winding and challenging lane down to the parking facilities. Some similar baseball capped oiks who had been beaten with the eejit stick to within an inch of their IQ took it upon themselves to use the first three or four hundred yards of this track for half of the evening to test out the efficiency of their plastic spoilers by roaring up and down whilst jettisoning various cans, bottles and takeaway detritus into the beautiful woods either side of them (something I know Mr DD will find disgraceful as a fellow lover of nature).
Halfway down the track is a toilet block which is always open as far as we know, and since it seemed their presence was stopping any fun that night Silky and I decided to leave and drove as far as the toilet block,where we paused so I might avail myself of the facilities.
Seeing our headlights they obviously thought it would be a good time to show off their driving prowess to an audience and proceeded to accelerate at full tilt towards us with their full beam glaring and hooter going.
The vehicle in question was a somewhat venerable Citroen Saxo I believe , which was unfortunate enough to sport the predictable spoilers and body skirts as well as tinted glass and ridiculous sparkly paint job - more relevantly it had ultra low profile tyres and had been lowered quite substantially. This would not have been an issue cruising past McDonalds in Gloucester on a Saturday night - however they were roaring past a public outhouse in a country park - a public outhouse which the local council had thoughtfully provided speed humps outside for the protection of the public after they had exited the toilets.
The result was a resounding crashing sound, with simultaneous showering of sparks- and a very expensive and unnecessary exhaust system in pieces on the footpath. We exited the park in our four wheel drive whilst wiping our eyes to clear the tears enough to see.
I know the feeling Mr DD.
A local layby is to be turned into a nature centre, sorta.
Part of the reason is the litter all over the place, the other is that the truckers are complaining about being propositioned by men....
Well, the litter is from the truckers.....and most of them are there for the guys anyway...the ones that aren't are there for the women....
AND the layby is supposed to be cleaned by a company under contract to the council....but all their guys do is stop there and drink tea and eat burgers, then drive away !!!!!! (they are better than the lot at another (now closed) local site, who just used to hang-about 'til someone shaggable came in !! )