anyone got any tips they wanna share,regarding mood lighting for show use a maglite,as they do a red filter pack,this gives a nice ambience,and doesn't kill your night vision,i mean,as soon as you hit the interior light,the world disappears,you may be giving it your best,only to realise nobody was watching!but,being a torch,it aint that convenient,in that you need an extra hand,well,when we do our male-fem-male number,there are hands aplenty,but its always me that ends up holding the bloody torch!!.....anyone tried red bulbs in the interior,or can you get a plastic interior light cover dyed or something?.........what do you lot use?
We don't use any lighting. It's much more fun in the dark. You never know who or what you're grabbing hold of next :twisted:
Can't you get mini lamps that plug into the cigarette lighter, they're bendy so you can point them at strategic areas :twisted:
we use one of those rd works lights u know the ones that they put up at the side of rd works in the eve..had it 4 years makes stuff seeable but not overly bright as in touchlight.
u can change ya bulb in ur car! pull off the plastic cover off ur lights! go to halfords or ne motor shop u can get different colour bulds to fit in there i got green bright enough but not too bright, u can get blue, green, clear orange red, poss some more even pink!
bigmacmeal.....i love ur green light!
aahhh,knew you guys would come up trumps like a trip to halfrauds saturday then....hope they have some red bulbs,really like that amsterdam look.....i take it you are shaven then silky,that lamp would take yer bush off at 10 metres otherwise!!wouldn't mind one to use against the mbb though!