Hi there.. hows everyone doing!?
Any dogging going on in London on the week commencing the 18th!? Would appreciate any info..
Thanks alot..
Is there ever any dogging going on in London? I'n my experience you'd do much better on the outskirts.
can you imagine faces when he realises that he is dogging his wife and her lover! has that even happened i wonder??? maybe Jumo, the master knows of a time?
BB :shock:
Mr Ben and friends, thanks for your would sympathy for my wife/girlfriend.. but I havent got one! Therefore, dont be so worried...
The reason why I was so precise with the date is that I was wonderig if there was any action going on or planned in London this week. I know it would be easy for whoever was interested in checking out when "this week.." was just by checkig the date of the post, but, in all foolishness, I was just trying to save people the time.
Any London Dogging this week......!? lol
Ewww! ! Keep wet wipes in the car from now on!! :P
Serendipity.. is that a hint at a possible meet?!? :P lol