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loud mouthed yobs at dogging sites

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Forum Virgin
went to a resevoire between bolton and bury last saturday after a night out,bout ish,,,2 carparks available,ya know the place i mean,,,,,,,,,,,,my partner was well up for some fun but we have never been to this location b4 so we sat and observed for a while to get a feel for the place , very busy with cars n 4 wheel drives but they kept driving from one carpark to another and all stood round talking ,i assume waiting for some action to start,,,,,,but guys ,ya were all to loud and disrespectful,i dont think you even knew we were a couple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,one guy walking round drinking from a bottle ( a right loud mouthed yob )n the rest all talking n joking at the top of there voices,,to my mind not the sort of atmosphere to promote discreet dogging fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so guess what ,,,we drove off and give it a wide birth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you guys moan that it aint happenin much anymore,( i wonder why),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we picked a guy up walking home from a pub in bromley cross so we still had a good night (but it could have been so much more fun if these places were not overun with complete assholes
just needed to share these thoughts with ya
:thumbup: Hi Guys, couldn't agree more with you. We don't use the site you mentioned as we have always found it much too busy, but it seems that most of the regular dogging locations are now getting very busy and are filled with single doggers stood chatting round their cars waiting for some action. As soon as a couple pull in they swarm round the car, making you feel so very uncomfortable.
The only problem is, that the idiots you mentioned are the ones who dont read posts like this, and even if they did, they would not realise that it was referring to them!
Anyway dont give up, there are loads of very genuine guys and couples out there who do know how to behave and a lot of them are regular users of this site.
Good luck and have fun!
Warming the Bed
totally agree with you both,the local site i visit is just the must be very off putting for couples when they drive onto the carpark.
Is the problem with doggers chatting? or is the problem with them being noisy?
I personally like chatting to other doggers.
Not the best of places now was good about 2yrs ago to many guys with shares in oil companies judgeing by how much fuel they burn. ps heard a rumour they are gonna to errect (no not that) a car park full sign on the road.
Sex God
Yeah, I stopped going at night to the place you are talking about some time ago. It's tosser city round there rolleyes . At least you didn't meet the Polish family though :shock:
Warming the Bed
i posted a thing about the mob handed approach as well at that site we went last saturday night and it really is getting quite bad we had four blokes started to walk over to our car and you feel very intimidated also we dont have problems with the blokes chatting to each other just keep it quieter. we listened to them last week trying to guess who we were and its really funny listening to the crap sometimes xxx rolleyes
There's another Site that's used not too far from there which isn't anywhere near as busy, but we have lots of fun there - don't we, boys and girls? :twisted:
yes we do mal smile
still puts you off tho men all in a group chattin about mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nothing
cya soon jo xxx
Quote by markandjane
we picked a guy up walking home from a pub in bromley cross so we still had a good night

I'm going to the pub tonight - any chance of a lift home!! confused :? :? lol :lol:
Warming the Bed
hi all
just thought i would say hello, i was reading ur messages and thoughti would add my bit.
I I go to a well known spot in devon where it is very busy , and yes lots of people standing around chatting ,but i found it a good thing , as a single fem it was good to talk to people and find out what goes on and who is the good guys and who are the pratts, and i have made some very good friends going up there, they have looked out for me and i feel safe going there .,
I also undrestand where ur comming from about the loudmouths that go there but u know what they say ITS GOOD TO TALK.....LOL
but im still looking for my first fem on fem up there so if ur game get intouch
Warming the Bed
I'm affraid things look as tho they are on a downward spiral.....perhaps a reminder of the the mindless dont ruin it for those genuine, thoughtful people who are able play the game properly...
Quote by sassybifem
I go to a well known spot in devon where it is very busy , and yes lots of people standing around chatting ,but i found it a good thing , as a single fem it was good to talk to people and find out what goes on and who is the good guys and who are the pratts, and i have made some very good friends going up there, they have looked out for me and i feel safe going there .,

Couldn't agree more. It's good that people aren't up there punching each others lights out.. quite literally. I'm not talking about them becoming a talking shop, just a bit of communication so that we don't stand on each others toes. I was out the other night when a couple were getting it on for me. Another bloke turns up... sees it's me and says that the other car doesn't like "two on the car" so he tells me to have fun and drives to the other side of the car park out of the way. If people don't talk about what to do or what not to do then SH is the only place where you can really get an idea of the etticate. I found that there wasn't really much in the way of do's and dont's on this site for dogging and you start to learn the hardway.
Quote by jagga
....perhaps a reminder of the the mindless dont ruin it for those genuine, thoughtful people who are able play the game properly...

I tried to compile a list of the dogging ten commandments
Quote by mal609
There's another Site that's used not too far from there which isn't anywhere near as busy, but we have lots of fun there - don't we, boys and girls? :twisted:

Would appreciate a directional clue to this quieter location starting from the "busy" place. I know a couple of other locations but all are similarly full of tossers except one which has never provided any action at all although it looks a good spot to me. Has a similar connection to water but only 1 car park - up a small hill - wonder if that's where you mean?
I have stopped going doggin all together, I used to visit the site in question quite frequently but it did seem to be attracting alot of idiots, add onto that the boys in blue making regular visits and it has put me right off dogging all together at the moment rolleyes
Warming the Bed
Dont know the site but i know a lot of boy racers etc are getting onto doggin, thinkin if they turn up some woman will do them and there little friends
Hi Folks,
Well I have to be honest andsay I'm not impressed.
Tonight I went out quite late (early hours of the morning in fact) to visit a local dogging site to see if there was really much action there. I biked it up there, so that I could get a feel for the route; the uphill segments proved a challenge, but i made it in the end!
There were 2 cars in the open car-park when I got there, both with interior lights off. A guy got out of one of them and walked by the other one, which departed shortly afterward. The guy got back in his car and pulled over near me, and then opened the door, but didn't get out.
More cars turned up and pulled up next door to each other and a group of young punk kids got out. It looked like they were all just smoking, laughing and making noise (possibly taking drugs, but it was too dark really to tell.
An undercover police car showed up and pulled up next to me as the only single guy with no car and asked me what I was doing there. I simply told them I had arranged a meet with a girl, but said that it appeared I had been stood up. They advised me that there was no problem, simply that they were concerned that it was rather late, and expressed concern over the possible "nasty people" that were around the area. I thanked them for their concern and they left.
The car park got rather crowded with cars containing what I believe were mostly single guys looking for action, so I left and biked it home.
I feel it was a wasted trip, and I feel that what could potentially be a decent dogging area has been spoilt by yobbos.
Nice to read another exciting gripping erotic story of ordinary dogging folk .
Ho Hum (sigh)
Quote by Silk and Big G
Nice to read another exciting gripping erotic story of ordinary dogging folk .
Ho Hum (sigh)

I know that the police bit got me all hot :twisted:
And to bike it, that stamina you must have, and a chain to tie people to trees with.....
redface here i go again about trees.............................
BB :twisted: (insomina's bitch tonight)