Is there anyother couples in markeaton park area?
to meat us 31f 32m
Hi guys we are from Derby and tried dogging for our first time last weekend .
Went to the place you mention (the rear carpark) late Sat night and was very disapointed.
Was no cpls only gangs of single guys (Olive had some fun giving a small show with a little interaction with one single guy) however we did find it a little disapointing and was unsure what to do.
We have since tried a location north of Notts (very well known with a number of alternative areas) and although olive had some extremely horny fun with single guys again no cpls and a cpl of single guys in one car brought procedings to an abrupt end when totaly uninvited the screemed into car park jumped out of car pushed guy Olive was playing with (whilst naked and riding Paul) out of way and demanded she please them.
We made hasty exit and am now considering wether dogging really for us.
Think we may give it one more try after a few weeks break however this time we will try and arrange to meet other cpl on here and arrange a meeting.
Paul n Olive xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Blue it has not put us off just taken the spontinuity out of it as next time we will not go without prior arrangement with another cpl
Oh and rather than knuckle sandwitch a stern "Would you like to fuck off" did the trick lol
maybe we will bump into you some time
Paul n Olive :P