not wanting to make more doggers frightened 2 step a foot out at night but we had some very reliable info the other eve from a guy who actually works 4 the council...he stated as thus.. the coucil together with the police have recently started a campain yes u heard right a campain 2 put an end to any sexual activities takin place in public areas ..mainly doggin areas etc..targeting single guys..gays and mainly cpls...we would have thought this 2 be a little far fetched had it not been for the amount of times we have been stopped and given the riot act over the last cpl of months either by the police or the council who r also doing there nightly outings aswell to deter doggers...we were also told they routinely moniter this site trying catch people in the all please a little note to any cops or council reading this..these activities have proberly been around 4 years and will be around 4 years 2 come however hard you try to hassle people..these activities do not encroach on your general day to day public or all this sudden interest would have been happening years long will it take u 2 realise that u cannot stop people from going out and trying 2 enjoy themselves, if u close 1 area there will always be another 1 round the corner...its a waste of police time and resourses and all our tax paying money could be better spent on catching real criminals then u lot hanging around public carparks hassling people who r not breaking any laws..going 4 the easy tagets as per usual..
If you bother to read all the crap printed about dogging, cruising and other sexual activities, you will note that according to the public sex environment gospel, young people and women are at risk in these sorts of activities.
Some women may even be FORCED to perform "acts" for depraved males.
Then there is the concern about sexually transmitted infections.
These are spread by dogging, and many doggers are oozing clap from their ears etc (they also consider that gay cruising is spreading them as well, but ain't got the bottle to go public with THAT info)
So, wandering into various sites with info about clap, pox, hiv and clamidia...ish...I find that young people account for the larger proportion of we know on here, there ain't too many teens going dogging (or cruising)
But, don't let inconvenient facts get in the way of a good persecution.
You'll even note that when the law do show up, they ignore male talking to male and go straight for the male talking to couple car/s. I had that the other night....admittedly her skirt was around her waist and her top was around her neck...but it WAS gone midnight and in the back of beyond...even GHOSTS don't go there at night.
I can say, with some authority, that the law in beds are "doing" the car parks and other areas where people go for sex...with a vengeance...I don't see too many about in town though...
The leaders of various public services (councils) actually do think that it is their duty to stop people harming themselves...and as you know (if you're over 20) politicians of all hues, local and national, have no worries about making-up "facts" and even using outrageous lies to get what they want.
It's what we call "democracy" (otherwise known as "we don't give a shit about you except at election time")
the last couple of times ive been to dogging locations in shropshire the police have turned up and driven round with lights on main beam shining into cars, then sit there lights on engine running waiting for you to go. on one occasion as i was the only one there i did leave and came back later,but so did they!!!
went to another site and the police did the same tactics,but there where alot of gay guys cruzing, so every one just sank in seats till the police got board and drove off blue light flashing to let anyone who didnt know they where there.
i do feel that the tactics are alittle over the top as they try to make you feel uncomftable and leave, even in some out of the way places late at night.