Hiya. Been out alot recently around a few local spots. I've not had any luck so far, but that's not a problem. I'm worried that I'm scaring some people, and i'm very aware that I'm an easy target for the not so good people out there. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what they would do (No buy a car and use that instead isn't an option lol!)? I don't want to give up, it's fun looking around, but I'm too worried about sitting still in one place for too long, and most people seem a bit nervous because I'm on the bike.
I've been thinking about maybe trying to find someone/a couple that are into bikers etc and arranging a meet, but that's not really the same. If anyone is interested though (male/female/couples), I'm orally bi, more interested in watching than anything and wear full leather.
Hi ya, I would say carry on and pretty soon the people out for fun will get to know you, whether your on a bike or not doesn't matter. There are a couple of guys that turn up on bikes round my local areas-me included sometimes. good advice about the helmet though, do take it off undo your jacket and wander around, do make eye contact as bikes are always a good talking point and may even help break the ice with some.
We certainly dont mind doggers on m/bikes,although we both ride bikes but so far have not been dogging on them.
It could be awkward trying to show on a bike seat,and no interior light to put on although i,me sure there would be no shortage of illumination if we started playing.
Our advice is just be polite and go for it and if you are ever our way you wont scare us away.
you'll be fine nwbiker..recently, my mate harry thundered into the venue on his pushbike..the grimace on his face due to the exertion of a five mile uphill struggle, coupled with his spectacles, gave him the appearance of a japanese assembly line worker at clocking off time, but he still managed to pull..of course, the offer of sexual favours may not have been so much to do with lust, maybe more relief that the figure cycling towards them at full pelt, head down, wasn't in fact an irish suicide bomber with a helmet full of explosives, but good old harry making a suitably eccentric enterance.
if i were you mate, i'd exploit all the cliches..mean, moody man of mystery riding into town dressed in black leather, give the iron horse a big dose of throttle before shutting her down..just don't fall over or something daft like that, because everyone will laugh at you
Leathers, in this weather though???
sweet? sweaty more like, and slightly lost!
Thinking about it, I didn't even get a kiss goodbye!!