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Naughty BBQ at a dogging location - 12th August

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Firehot, we will add you to the list, just let us know nearer the time if you can or cant make it, and we will add Emmanmark as definates wink
Dipity, we need a large screen so we can see what is happening at both locations and then someone with a 'Copter' so they can fly down to and have a Sausage at both BBQ's :wink: :wink:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Dipity, we need a large screen so we can see what is happening at both locations

Oooh even better, but bagsy no Status Quo!!
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
and then someone with a 'Copter' so they can fly down to and have a Sausage at both BBQ's wink :wink:

Mrs Wiggy you minx - organisers privilege?? lol :twisted:
Everyone going to this for the first time is in for a seriously good time, the dogging gang oop norf are a great bunch!
thanks naughty wigan cpl hope to see u all then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi - sounds good fun. Please can we put our name down provisionally - can only confirm definitely when we have our work rotas a bit nearer the time. thanks x
hiya steven n jo
will put your names on the list just let us know for sure nearer the time wether uyou can make it or not
cya soon jo xxx
room for one who is from "south of watford" but is on his way on the 12th to north wales for some fun on the greens ............... and to play golf too!
may even have lady friend from scotland who would be a great addition to most evenings!
Quote by razor_wire
just testing hehe !!! xxxj

Ya crack pot, but test away!!!
awwww go on then if u insist !! bumps it up anyway hehe !!!! xxxxxxxxxxx j
hi can we puts our names down please xx
Quote by tina1
hi can we puts our names down please xx

:twisted: :wanker: :rascal:
fil :grin:
Quote by tina1
hi can we puts our names down please xx

Tina1, looking at the post below yours from Linfil, I think it would be more than my life's worth not to say a big definate YES! wink
Anyone else interested? We now have just over 40 people on the list, but will add one or two more people, so long as one of use know you wink
biggrin HI... could we please be considered for the mentioned bbq as we are moving to st helens on the 15th of july and having a chance to attend would be brilliant as we would get to meet some new friends wink ..obviously we realise that you may only require people you know personally but i can assure you that if we are picked to attend we will definately attend
Regards Lorraine&vince xxxx
If possible could you put rayne and I down on the list as we had such a good time at the Yorks munch with a lot of you who were there and would really like to meet up with you all again.
Col & Rayne
lorraine and vince i will add you on the list smile details of the night we go out nearer the time any questions u have give us a quick pm
thanks jo x
will add you to the list to be good to see you 2 again
dont forget your sauages hehehehe
jo xxx
Dont worry Jo, we'll bring at least one lol
smile hey Mrs NWC, speak to you about this next time I have a brew!!!!
Can we come along if there are places left please biggrin
Red xxxx
hiya red
there will be always a place for you 2 smile
cya soon jo xxx
Thanks Jo.....see ya soon
Red xxx
dont forget meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sweety xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
how could we forget about u babes hehehehe
cya soon jo xxx
i would love to come to your bbq if thats ok with you a chef so i can cook all your food for a payment of kind lol
thanks hope to here from you
phidive ive sent you a pm
thanks jo x
Ahhhmmmm.... not about that much recently... but would love an invite, hve not seen NWC or Jo in ages XX
Quote by frogster
Ahhhmmmm.... not about that much recently... but would love an invite, hve not seen NWC or Jo in ages XX

is that you, I MUST have drunk too much at lunch time
welcome back xxx
Hehe... yes 'tis me.... havn't seen you for a while either babe... Mwahhhh X
Quote by frogster
Hehe... yes 'tis me.... havn't seen you for a while either babe... Mwahhhh X

Well it is good to 'see' you now.............. get back to some of the parties etc
NWC and GingerJo sorry for the hijack,