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nerw safe dogging spot Wakefield area

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Genuine male with several new safe dogging spots in Wakefield area, for use either day or night, no idiots or boy racers.
Forum Virgin
hi, i dont suppose you could pm me and let me know where the wakefield scene has moved to, i used to be regular at xxxxxxxxxxxxx until shut down
Mods edit - location removed, please read our policy on not naming locations
All i hear from couples is that there are no more safe dogging sites, yet hen you have two or three safe locations no one wants to know.
Not everyone can be a timewaster.
Warming the Bed
we go out looking for fun around the wakey area but all the places are either full of gays or dead.
Warming the Bed
me too
i woul;d be interested in knmowing where it all happens....
xxxxxxxxxxxxx is not very good these days///
Mods edit - location removed, please read our policy on not naming locations
Hi madsey I have sent you a pm
Single males sorry but I do not give out locations to single blokes thats how the areas get ruined.
Master of Sex
Quote by Hornydevil43
Hi madsey I have sent you a pm
Single males sorry but I do not give out locations to single blokes thats how the areas get ruined.

errr but then arnt u a single male ??
I know a few good places in Wakey, every time i go there they are quiet with no boyracers, etc.
looking for friendly couples later this week for some naughty fun.
Quote by firehott00001
Hi madsey I have sent you a pm
Single males sorry but I do not give out locations to single blokes thats how the areas get ruined.

errr but then arnt u a single male ??
lol Its called self preservation. Tell all the couples of the new location, but make sure no single males know, that way he will be the only one around :lol:
Good luck Hornydevil, I really do hope the plan works for you, but remember, couples are also apt to tell others (including single males), who then tell their mates and they tell ...... well, you get the picture, and before long the quiet location is just as full as any of the regular haunts.
Thanks naughty wigan couple, you are correct eventually some of the places do get spoiled, but it gives me time to find others, I put the work in why should I not get the rewards.
Quote by Hornydevil43
Thanks naughty wigan couple, you are correct eventually some of the places do get spoiled, but it gives me time to find others, I put the work in why should I not get the rewards.

Fully agree, you definately should get the rewards and good on you for letting people know about it.:thumbup:
I meant it when I said that I do hope it works out for you, just wish the place was a little bit nearer to Wigan wink
Wigan I would be more than willing to travel to you!!!
Used the location again Friday night there for 2 hrs with a couple not disturbed excellent time had by all, come on couples whats wrong with you you want somewhere safe and genuine doggers I am offering you what you want
Quote by Hornydevil43
Used the location again Friday night there for 2 hrs with a couple not disturbed excellent time had by all, come on couples whats wrong with you you want somewhere safe and genuine doggers I am offering you what you want

ah but are you only offering the location if you are to be present?
or are you happy to give out the location so other couples can use it to meet who they wish?
Tabby and Tina, as far as couples are concerned I can only get lucky once, yes you are correct I would expect to be present the first time, but I am not an ogre, I meet couples there regular because I am sensible, genuine and well behaved, but once they know of the location then I cannot stop them using it with whom they want, the reason it is still safe after 2 yrs use is that only sensible people use it both doggers and couples.
No one is forced to use it. Thye can continue to moan about boy racers and police etc.
Am i wrong to expect a little fun in return for a safe experience
Warming the Bed
I too have the same thing in leeds with two venues that i only share with select couples and i meet them first and they follow me to the venue,, why share these with all when in a few weeks /months they will be ruined, there are not many safe areas left so i agree with you about keeping them to yourself..
Quote by Hornydevil43
Tabby and Tina, as far as couples are concerned I can only get lucky once, yes you are correct I would expect to be present the first time, but I am not an ogre, I meet couples there regular because I am sensible, genuine and well behaved, but once they know of the location then I cannot stop them using it with whom they want, the reason it is still safe after 2 yrs use is that only sensible people use it both doggers and couples.
No one is forced to use it. Thye can continue to moan about boy racers and police etc.
Am i wrong to expect a little fun in return for a safe experience

yes I see where your coming from as you say you put in the hard work to find it and try to keep it boy reacer free,
we too also know of a quiet spot that we use for our meets and would like one thats more local to us but not for favours lol
hope it stays as good as you say it is
Quote by Hornydevil43
Genuine male with several new safe dogging spots in Wakefield area, for use either day or night, no idiots or boy racers.
pm pls
Quote by Donny1male
pm pls

:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: Don't you just love it here.... :cry:
Quote by Hornydevil43
Genuine male with several new safe dogging spots in Wakefield area, for use either day or night, no idiots or boy racers.

In case you think i'm trying to make a point or raise issues here, believe me i'm not, I'm genuinely interested in your way of looking at this:
These are public car parks right?
How many guys would dogg this place on an average Saturday night for example?
The place has genuine doggers, so it follows that couples do pop in from time to time that haven't neccessarily been told about this/these public car parks by you?
You see, i'm looking at it from our perspective. We know lots of places in our area that aren't listed. They range from tracks to car parks, and many of these places do get dogged by guys. Because they aren't well known or advertised, often they can be dead for days, but the quality of dogger such places attract often makes it worthwhile in the end. The downside being of course, it only has a short shelf life before it gets very samey. They get fed up with us, and its not the same thrill having the same onlookers time and time again peering through our window if you see what I'm saying?
We don't do arranged meets. In fact, the vast majority of couples don't. Naturally, a higher percentage of couples using this and other websites do want arranged meets, which is why they are here. lol Most of the couples we speak to in various car parks don't use the internet, and the few that do might not have neccessarily have heard of this one :lol:
Now, we wouldn't want to meet you, because as nice and as genuine as you may be, its just not our thing, so by that token, you would not tell us of this location, right? :cry: And if we DID do pre arranged outdoor meets, but you just didn't happen to fit our preference, you'd still not tell us? :cry:
Like I say, i'm not knocking your intentions here at all wink I'm just trying to visualize this place. The different way people look at dogging often confuses things. To us, doggers are guys that go out in the hope of unscripted and oppertunistic encounters, not blokes that arrange to meet someone in a field or whatever :lol: . Either scenario is valid enough, but we tend to look upon dogging and pre arranged meets as two different things, two differing mind-sets even. We've known of many little car parks that attract a handfull of guys and a few couples over the years. Most of them stagnate quite quickly due to over familiarity, and when couples introduce new guys to the place, often there is resentment or....well, usually it falls apart after a brief but explosively productive time :lol:
Your's has been a good venue for two years, which is unusual. You've put a lot of thought into it, and safeguards. The couples you've met have kept the locations off the public forums of other websites, as have the guys they've taken there after their initial meet with you. The balance has never been upset, and those fellas have never advertised it as a great new location in which to meet couples themselves.
I suppose what we want to know is this? How much of the action there is spontaneous, if any?. How many doggers would be in residence over an average night? Do you yourself visit the place by chance, or only for an arranged session? And of the many couples you've taken there over the last two years, how many, if any, now use the place for their own purposes?
You don't have to give too much away obviously, but I'm trying to get a picture of the "vibe" there :lol: You rightly say, "no one is forced to use it, and they can continue moaning about boy racers and police", but are you also saying that the only way couples get to use this place is by having to meet you first? Fine if its for verification that they are in fact a couple, but they wouldn't neccessarily have to "show" for you, or involve you sexually? When you used the location on Friday night, for two hours, and you wasn't disturbed, you mean the place was empty, or the resident doggers kept well away from the action?
We have our own list of places, and we too only give that list to couples. Some of the places are better for those couples seeking an experience with multiple males, i.e, the advertised locations :lol: And some of the places are better suited for privatly arranged meets. We personally don't wish to gain from it, and that list has been sent to many couples, both local and those intending to visit the county. We have no idea how many of the results the doggers get are as a result of my "list", if any :lol: , but we, like you, try to keep the game in play, even if we are behind the lines drinking finest claret listening to the results of the "big push" coming in via the chat room :lol:
This has nothing at all do do with us being in the proximity of Wakefield in a couple of months, trust me :wink:
great post DD
there are things that you wrote that I was trying to write but it wouldnt have come out as well worded as your post is
Dirty Doggers...... always so eloquently put, and a very good "take" from the view of the couple. Well done. biggrin
I have done several posts from the view of a seasoned dogger. I think the more information and different "takes" on the subject from multiple angles all add to the knowledge available to make informed choices.
Kudos to you!
P.S. we have posted on the same threads for some time now…..maybe one day we shall meet… when I do one of my family visits your way.
redface Oh no, now look whats happened lol Nice compliments always fuck me right up, as I'm never sure quite how to reply, so usually I don't surprisedops: :lol:
Frogster. Your recent account of the dogging game was really quite exceptional. I should have remarked on it at the time :oops: Maybe we should meet, I'm very intrequed by this "squirting" thing :lol: The last time Mrs Dirty expelled copious quantities of clear liquid from a gaping oriface was on account of too much Vodka and White wine :lol:
Warming the Bed
well said dirty doggers,
we are very much like you.
we love to go doggin but we never arrange anything with anybody before hand,we just take our chances,some times its busy and there are a few people there and other times its dead but thats the way we like it.
Dirty Doggers… I give credit where credit is due, hence my post…. I also admire your apparent intellect and ability to articulate. There, how’s that for nice…. Feeling even more fucked up now? wink
I will let you know when I am visiting your parts again (I of course refer to the geographical location and your local vicinity) :shock: and maybe we can unintentionally and unarranged meet by coincidence, at a mutually known location, purely by off chance, so as not to appear contrived in any way, shape or form you understand. confused
I would be happy to share my knowledge and life time study of the squirting art with you and Mrs Dirty, and you will take comfort in the unconditional guarantee of a full “money back if not satisfied” service. biggrin
Take care, and all the best to you both. :wink:
I will accidentally pm you next time I am down that way, (maybe middle of September)…. Watch out for splinters this time of year… :shock: the combined effect of sun and rain raises the grain of the wood used on picnic bench tables… or so I am told. wink
Thanks for the well composed reply, to explain my position, the location is a public place but is not visited by doggers as say they would in a car park, its location is such that its only proper use is for pre arranged meets with couples especially new ones who want a safe environment for the first time, I have perhaps misled you in some of my replies, I only insist on meeting first to ensure they are a couple, there is no requiremnet for a show, and I do explain that when I meet them, in response to this advert I have had about 15 pm's from males wanting to know where it is.
Yourselves and Tabby and Tina share the same view as each other about not arranging meets and from my perspective thats good I do prefer the opportunistic meet they are much better. But the area I dog in we are plagued by idots and coppers, so when a genuine nice couple turn up they are hounded and pestered by them so genuine sensible blokes dont get a look in and the couples just leave and very rarely return.
It just appeared to me that if I could find a nice safe place to play then all would be well, I always dog with the same rule, and that is that the couple are in charge if they want more than one man then that can be arranged, if they want to be watched without seeing me then so be it, i want them to have a good time and then they come back.
I am not an ogre I just get sick of nice couples parking up for them to be knocked up by idiots who dont really care or understand what its all about.
I hope you do come to this area and have a great time but I do warn you there are a lot of idiots about.
Hope this explains why I placed the advert.
Thanks for the clarification wink . Be assured, my questions weren’t an attempt to wrong foot you in any way, just a means of getting a bigger picture so that couples are better informed about this place and what’s expected of them :P . Regarding our possible visit en route to the Lake District, trust me, we’ve encountered every idiot “type” there is, and our vehicle carries to this day the battle scars of past campaigns lol . We don’t “do” twat, so should the circumstances be impossibly fraught, then we’d simply move on. If the venue was particularly to our liking, and the greater percentage of residents obviously fine upstanding examples of perversity, then we’d endeavour to return at a time mutually profitable for all honourable parties :twisted:
I understand your reasoning absolutely and your own efforts to address a problematic situation are to be applauded, but the line between offering couples a great new dogging site and advertising for what basically amounts to an arranged meet is a broad one and the division it has created has obviously influenced the lack of interest from couples that prefer to “wing it.” The swamping scenario that couples frequently encounter has been detrimental, its true :cry: . Many couples have abandoned their ambitions as a result, but the complexities and contradictions are often such that making definitive statements can be difficult. It may appear bizarre to you that whilst so many couples are quick to dismiss the game as one now overrun by the sad and hard of thinking, when offered a safe haven, albeit one wrapped with a small string and mostly empty, it gets largely ignored. The reasons are obviously too varied and numerous to go into here, but I guess much of it stems from the fact its is much easier to comment about negatives than positives :lol: .
When something is going well, we say nothing because its what we’ve come to expect. How else can I put it? Ok, when you see a really positive post, its usually from a newbie single guy who’s gone out to the car park over a succession of nights. He hasn’t really expected too much from it but thinks he ought to hang in there for a bit confused . Then, one night he is stood in a quiet spot and cops a right result! :lol: His enthusiasm will be such that he’ll get home and post “Wow, what a night! My faith in dogging has been restored”. He’ll then go on to recount his adventure and receive a box full of PMs from armchair doggers wanting the place, time, make and model of car and services rendered :lol: .
In contrast, the guys that go into car parks or onto the dogging boards of various websites harbouring the notion that this is a game saturated with bored nymphomaniac housewives gagging for cock will have their expectations rapidly dashed and see an unproductive car park orbit or un replied to inaugural fanny recruitment post as a bitter blow :lol: , then he'll seek to redress his rage by blaming everything but his own erroneous thinking :lol: . I personally enjoyed posting positive accounts of our dogging forays as a way of balancing things out. Unfortunately, some of the moderation at that time was such that an up-tempo recounting of a productive night’s perving was often considered as the product of a delusory mind and the post swiftly relegated to the stories forum :? .
Arranged meets, as exciting and sexy as they can be, tend not to attract the same enthusiastic follow up, simply because the “surprise” element isn’t there to escalate it into that something special :wink: . On another website, a guy recently met up with a couple, only to be asked to pay £40:00 for a “hand job” :shock: But he only posted about it because it ran against his expectations :lol: Well, it would, wouldn't it? :twisted:. You see where I’m coming form here? You have to be wary when people talk about experiences or internet boards feature grim tales of dogging woe. Experiences are often subjective and perceived negatives always offer a more dramatic impact, as any of today’s newspapers will show :lol: . One of life’s funny ironies I always think, is a car park full of doggers and couples, all moaning about how crap the game is :? :lol: . As Tabby and Tina said, it’s never static, and that in itself can constitute much of the 'll often see posts of complaint from couples that have visited very active sites, only for the place to be deserted :lol:
With regard to our own game play, then yes, having tried both pre arranged and spontaneous encounters, we are of the mind that whilst both options offer certain advantages and disadvantages over one another, for us personally, the magic is strongest when played in the raw :twisted: . For us at least, the good nights are often so intensely erotic that the bad nights are just seen as nights, and then would only be considered bad if compared to a mentally scripted image of a perfect scenario, not something we’re inclined to do that often smile . Sadly, most newbie couples visit a car park with a fantastical impression of the night’s probable outcome. With so many people looking for such differing scenarios its little wonder that so many car parks take on the hysterical ambience of a “Most Haunted Live” vigil :lol: . I’m not contradicting what you yourself have observed in the car parks, everything you have said has some truth to it :wink: . There is often an air of manic desperation fuelled by expectation which more than verges on the absurd. Personally, as with our police encounters, we tend to look upon those things with amusement, if only in hindsight. We certainly don’t expect every visit to be sexually productive, and were they to be so, the lack of mystery would probably remove much of the point in us going out :lol: . I acknowledge that within reason, all couples are different, and those that go out just for the results will soon become frustrated, which is also true of those doggers dead set on a sexual encounter on any given is,sad that those couples looking for something more subtle than a multi male gang bang often find a visit is akin to a feeding frenzy at the zoo rolleyes. In our own experience, much of it comes down to timing.
I’m going to try and post a set of pictures that may further illustrate our own take on things. Please believe me when I say these photographs were not set up in advance :wink: . The poses were suggested at the time of pressing the shutter, only to give the doggers an assurance their faces would be at least partly obscured, other than that, what you see is how it was :P . It was one of those nights where things just clicked. Not anything as infrequent as maybe popularly suggested, given a degree of perseverance :lol: .
The first photo shows one of our ploys to get parked up doggers out, up close and personal :lol: . You might be able to just pick out his brake light whilst I pinged of a few shots of Mrs Dirty on his blind side? His first option would have been to drive over to us and position himself in such a way he could watch without getting out of his vehicle. Had he done so, we would have just stopped :lol: .
He didn’t. Instead, he got out and walked around the trees in a long arc. As he shuffled closer, I beckoned him forwards and assured him it was ok. I suggested he face forwards so as not to get his face into shot. This is at the point the second image was taken.
In the third shot, another dogger has arrived, parked up and walked over. He too was ushered forward cool :lol: . Neither of these guys were known to us, or each other. In fact, at the time these shots were taken, hardly a word had been exchanged between us :? .
The last pic shows a now very horny Mrs Dirty thanking one of the guys for their polite company :? :shock: . This is in a car park famed for its busy nights and often idiotic antics :lol: . The posts that feature this place from couples complaining about the pushy and rude guys are legion :lol: .
If you want to take up on any of the points, could you resist quoting the whole post :lol: For one, its F'ing long redface , and secondly, I might need to delete the pics at some point :wink:
We would like to take Mrs Dirty up on both her points cool