So why are new cars these days not helping us doggers.
Well most new cars now are offering security / privacy glass as standard these days.
I came across this last night with a 56 reg car in a secluded carpark and as a drove in with my lights on dip mode I could just barely make out the driver but no passenger. So I pulled up about 2 car lengths to his left switched off engine and waited.
Then his interior light came on but because of the windows it was very dim and you could only barely make is face out to see it was a male. So I thought it was just another single male dogger like me so did nothing and how wrong I could be.
After about 15 mins from his light switching on this almighty moan came from the car and it was bouncing. I was gobsmacked that I was missing a show and after hearing that and putting 2 & 2 together to get well what ever I jumped out of my car, then walked over.
When I got there it was very hard to see through the window with steam and bloody darken glass but I could just make out what was going on.
Anyway had a great night with this couple who did think I was a police officer at first because I didn't do any signals back to them. To which I told the gent that I thought he was on his own as I couldn't see anyone else.
Now some bright spark will say I need my eyesight tested as you can see with this glass but when its pitch black the car is parked next to a hedge and no moon lightening up the car no you can't, unless you go close to the window then you run the risk of upsetting the couple.
Anyway just a thought for you all to ponder on and try not to fall in the trap I did lol
Will have to get some night vision goggles for the blackened out windows lol
Have fun
What we used to do in one of our old cars was to get a red sweetie wrapper the sort you can see through, take off the interior light glass and place the wrapper over the bulb and hey presto a more comfiting ambience for the eveings spent in the woods.
As for modern cars the sort we have now is a real pain in the ass if you dont want to be noticed when getting out of , when the doors open theres three lights which come on and stay on for 30 seconds or so, just under the doors and above the running boards.
BB xx
As one of the few with "low light image enhancement equipment", please don't buy it if you want to look through darkened car windows.
1. In the dark, they're only useful if there is SOME light.
2. If you use the "infrared" illuminator supplied, you'll find that it reflects back at you with darkened windows. Iridium sprayed windows reflect ALL the light back !
Note: these darkened (tinted) glass windows are not on the front or look throught them first.
Have you considered using a torch ?
A bit low-tech maybe....but the "keyfob" white led ones are quite useful for that purpose.
Oh, and if the "clients" have the ICE turned on inside, they'll stand out extremely well to anyone using IEE !
You should also be aware that quite a few of the shithead mob are well aware of what a moving red light means, and the "infrared illuminator" supplied on these things is just !
So, be prepared to run....
Mine has an 870nm red light....on the other hand, watching without consent is a 12 month in the slammer job now....
Try they have lights that can be plugged into ciggie holder and they also have stores in sheffield birmingham and southampton.
hi all, heres a sugestion what about these solar rock lights you get them in sets of 2 and 4, let them recharge through the day and just turn them on in the car at night. they are small and compact and can be stored in most gloveboxs but best of all you can buy them off many markets or DIY stores. Also you can paint the lens red because there is not much heat redaited from them. Hope this suggestion helps.
scott and sonia