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Can ne 1 help me with some tips on getting into this scene.
Well, a good start might be to tell people something about yourself
How old you are, male/female, and what you are looking for
hehe soz, i'm mid 20's in northamptonshire, single just looking to watch.
two choices..
spend your nights on the pc, advertising for meets, getting increasingly impatient by the lack of response, then resort to blaming everything and everybody else, untill finally the day looms when a 19 year old virgin needs fucking by anybody that happens to be sporting a scrotum. with great excitement, you can "send a pm", followed by 'did anyone hear from this couple" some days can agree to every thread enthusiastically which proposes that dogging is dead, then, after some weeks, maybe months, you could, and it is a long shot, get your arranged invite..then of course, its a gamble as to whether it manifests.
or, you could use the pc for occassional banter, but spend the lions share of the allotted time to sitting it out in the carparks, which, in my opinion, would greatly increase your chances of seeing or getting involved with something sexy. wink whichever path you take, good luck.
iv'e been to 3 or 4 places listed on this site but iv'e never seen anybody. how do you know which places are active
an "active" carpark is one in which couples or gays have sexual fun, the definition would thus depend on which side of the fence you are sitting, but most such venues have both options available, so i guess bi-guys enjoy more success. personally i couldn't be bi-sexual, not through prejudice, but for the fact my ego couldn't stand being turned down by men, as well as women.
as to "how active" a carpark is, well, i cannot comment on individual locations in your area..enthusiasm will provide you with the determination to source the most productive saying that, all venues have a tidal ebb and flow of the biggest craziest venues can fall flat at certain times..if you haven't got the enduring enthusiasm to apply yourself, you will give up soon anyway, most do.
ok thanx for the help guys, i guess i'll just have to keep at it!
I had also been to several sites on here and seen nowt but perseverance paid off and I have enjoyed several nights at the same sites where I once sat alone for three hours freezing my balls off!
Stick with it, theres a good gang of folks out there.
Harry Jones