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Newbies in Sussex

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6 replies
2 watchers
Hi everyone, we need some advice.
Like most people my partner and I have had "public" sex on numerous occasions but always very well hidden away but last Friday night we were parked near Devils with the agreed intent to try dogging for the first time. We were both a little nervous but also very excited and soon got into each other so much that I was ready to see her suck cock while I fucked her and she was MORE than ready to take it!!
During the time we were there about half a dozen or so cars drove into the car park area, parked up for a while...... then left! We didn't want to put the interior light on as we had seen police a little while before so we were nervous about being too visible from the road, but we had all windows wide open waiting for someone to poke his cock into the car..... but alas.... nothing sad
What were we doing wrong?
Firstly - posting in the wrong forum!!
But I'll move you.
I cant personally say you did anything wrong, just unlucky i guess.
maybe the other people were not into dogging or like me, wait for a signal or something, as I hate walking up to someones car univited, as im sure it could spoil their fun.
I might have to try Devils as it seems really quite over west sussex.
I know your expecting me to say it, well, if you ever need a discreet watcher, give me a shout.
but anyway, good luck in the future, and fingers crossed some numpty doesnt come and spoil things
Quote by Mal
Firstly - posting in the wrong forum!!
But I'll move you.

Ooops! redface Sorry about the forum, where should I have posted so thatt I know in the future?
Thanks for your help
GO there again on the weekend And I will put me cock through the window just PM me on the location.... Male 26 clean and always Horny
The only thing you done wrong was choose that place as a starting point!
Its really gone down hill over the past few years up there,I have been threatened on one occassion for sitting in one of the car parks and a guy in a nice white van taking offence to mebeing there before him??
If its your first outing maybe somewhere alittle quieter where you wont get swarmed by guys?
Hiya we have been into the scene for a few years now love it.
I have fun hubby loves to watch hes str8.
The last time we went there we had our back window put through wouldnt go there again.
We are nr Chichester but travel for our dogging fun if you fancy meeting up email me love Jane xxxx
PS/Hi Tony remember me ?