Quote by northeastcoupleukno not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by newcastledaveno not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Chaotic_Spiritno not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by newcastledaveno not at all ,just means either to cold for people or they have a meet sorted or people dont want to come out just to suit you.
79 views and no replies, does this mean that dogging in Newcastle is now officially dead!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Ohhhhh Newcastledave, Im sure that Northeastcouple didnt mean any harm in their post and were just having some good old fashioned banter with you.
As for the loads of views, a good percentage of them will be the ones who are checking if you are advertising a female for them to come and play with and the rest are just like me, bloody nosey
So just cause you didnt get the response you expected, please dont take it personally, it happens that way sometimes. Keep posting and please, keep the location just for the ones you trust
Quote by newcastledave
Ohhhhh Newcastledave, Im sure that Northeastcouple didnt mean any harm in their post and were just having some good old fashioned banter with you.
As for the loads of views, a good percentage of them will be the ones who are checking if you are advertising a female for them to come and play with and the rest are just like me, bloody nosey
So just cause you didnt get the response you expected, please dont take it personally, it happens that way sometimes. Keep posting and please, keep the location just for the ones you trust
Quote by toontwohi wont be commom knowledge if owt is happening ,as in dogging if you stick a add looking for what your after you should get it,but just hit n miss if you go looking around the dogging sites,but keep looking round the forums ya never nar la
As newbies to this site and dogging does anyone knwo of anything happening this Saturday in the Newcastle/Tyne & Wear area?
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
I'm sure it wasn't suppose to sound like that. I believe what naughty meant was that a lot of doggers, myself included, don't like pre-arranged meets and aren't fond of new locations which we can only find out about by meeting yourself there.
If you have a suitable location you'd like people to use, i greatly recommend that you post it as a location under the SH doggin directory which can be found here: http://www.swingingheaven.co.uk/dogging/index.html
chaos x