new couple to for outdoor/carpark sites in preston area/
looking for males mmf fun.
detective work eh ,,,,,,,,can i hire one ? lol im crap at cluedo
who ?? ..........oh him !! i did he was worse than me , shame kojaks busy ...........i,ll find ya all one day lol,, best of luck newcomer patience is a virtue so ive been told lol
segs !!!! god not more segs bad enuff wi them fookers on my ammo boots lol ...mind you im a born trier so i wont give in so bring on the segs :doh:
Hi Sexycouple1812, rather than keep starting new threads on the same subject (see link below) you can just bump up the last thread you did.
Why not join in with the banter on here and let people get to know you a little. I am sure that once people have seen you around for a while, and start to feel that you are genuine doggers, they just might, and I say might, be willing to give you some ideas on places to visit. However, the advice given by Rick and Jools is the best, find places yourselves, that way you wont be bothered by all the boy racers, main beam brigade etc, and because it will be 'your place' you will feel that bit more comfortable enjoying yourselves.
Good luck and have fun.
hi i am in the area and would love to be part of the dogging scene i know of some selected spots i can drive (some say people up the wall)
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post count 1
ban count 1
abuse of this kind will not be tolerated