A couple of friends today have told me about a newspaper in Luton that has highlighted the dogging locations in bedfordshire, and how they got them from a site about dogging and swinging. How they found that I dont know.
If any one wants to read the article then here it is:
Just thought something should be aware off.
Another reason to be as un-specific as possible in open forums..
Only ever disclose locations via private methods.......Emails and pm's etc...
Read it.
"off the A6".....never been used, someones dream....probably lives up the road
"streatley".......infested with drug users, car thieves and refugees from Dunstable.
"dallow road"...another dream, have you seen it ? Lit or what ! and the ambulance station is in it...
"an area near woburn golf club" ( ! )...or wot ?.....in which 50000 acres is it ?...AND its locked at night now !
The article is a PRIME reason why the "dogging guide" is NOT updated.
I agree the locations are not accurate but thats a good thing.
But just goes to show they are willing to name them none the less. Good job they didnt name any web sites even more problems.
It was not to hightlight the accuracy was posted to alert to the fact they had been digging.
They're always digging mate. Sex sells newspapers. People having sex in the open air with others watching, that could add another 2 or 3 to their readership. Have been out loads of times recently with and without my good lady and there's nothing much happening so they might get cold waiting though.
May be the dogging guide should be removed from the site.
its not acurate anyway but if it gives prats like this reporter info
and raises the profile of dogging which is not doing any of us any good